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  • Rated M for Language and Sexual Content.

    South Park was a fun and simple FPS game,South Park Rally was a disappointing racing game and now there is Chef's Luv Shack.This is an underrated game as well as the FPS South Park.Basically you can chose between the four South Park kids Stan, Kyle, Kenny and Cartman.You must answer trivia questions.There are a few categories to chose from.At the end of the stage, there are mini-games you can play.Some are fun but a lot of them just suck.Some are very hard to play but there are a few that are entertaining.Chef's Luv Shack is a fun game that is worth it for South Park fans.
  • Yeah, it's really just Mario Party but as a game show.

    Chef has a game show where he plans to spend a weekend with the winner. He wanted to be a lovely lady, but instead it is one of the four boys. We don't why the boys are on the show, but it's meant to be a joke.

    You choose how many rounds you want this game to last. The highest being 8. In each round, Chef asks 3 questions, you answer them and then you move onto a mini game.

    The mini games include a spoof on asteroids called "Assteriods" where Terence and Philip are in spaceships shooting at giant asses.

    "Bad Kitty" where in a spoof of Donkey Kong, you play Cartman's cat who has to get to the top and avoid being hit by bowling balls.

    "Soda Shake","Spank the Monkey" and "Chicken Lover" are memory games and I could list all the games, but it would take all day.

    But I will say my favourites are "Pizza Delivery" and "Save Scuzzlebutt".

    After playing a mini-game, you go back to the studio and answer another 3 quessies and do another mini-game.

    You get to gamble how many points you want and play a game called the "Pressure Round" where you have answer questions rights to give Cartman the anal probe.

    And after rounds, the game is over and the credits roll.

    Guess how long an 8 round game takes you to finish?

    15 minutes.

    I am not kidding.

    It takes 15 minutes to finish the game.

    That's IT!

    When I first played this, I was like "Huh? Is that it?"


    The first 3 South Park games suck, but this is actually the best of the bunch, because unlike the first one, you don't go into the mountains and see fog all the time and unlike Rally, where the controls and game play were so bad, they were not fun at all, this game doesn't frustrate and anger you.

    It's just gives a basic game, nothing more.

    Back in Christmas 1999, I was thinking of getting Donkey Kong 64, but I wanted this instead.