• Severe
  • Dennis and Dee have an addiction to crack.
  • In some episodes, the side character, Cricket, uses PCP heavily.
  • Bath salts are also used.
  • The show takes place in a bar, and a lot of drinking occurs.
  • The majority of the show takes place in a bar and every major character is an alcoholic. Characters also use different harder drugs throughout the show, less frequently. It is all meant to be comedic.
  • In nearly every episode, characters drink very heavily.
  • 5 of the main characters are alcoholics.
  • Drugs are featured a few times per season, and some examples of these scenes include.
  • Frank smokes weed from a bong.
  • Charlie huffs glue.
  • Frank drops acid.
  • Dennis drops acid.
  • Dennis drops ecstasy.
  • A side character, Bill Ponderosa, is an alcoholic and a drug addict. We see him drinking heavily, use meth, acid and cocaine.
  • Dee and Dennis smoke PCP.
  • Frank snorts cocaine.
  • There is exceptionally more drug use but these are just some examples of the type of drug use in the show.
  • In one episode, Dee and Charlie are shown taking too much steroids. They are high, and this happens in an episode where Dee and Charlie prepare to fight people.