The highway patrolman's hair color changes from brown in the morning camping scene to dirty-blond in the swimming-hole scene.
After Bobby squirts the Del Fuegos with mustard and ketchup, he has stains on his own shirt. In the next scene in the bar, his shirt is clean.
In the cellphone-throwing scene, Dudley shows off his new "Apple" tattoo. Between cutaways the same background pedestrian walks past twice.
When they are all riding on the highway, they all get splattered with bugs. In a shot looking up at them from a ditch, there aren't any bug-splatters on them. What happened to the bugs?
In the scenes where the bull is chasing the actors, the bull's horns are blunted or filed down. In the shots where the bull is standing still, the animal's horns are sharper looking.
The word "chilli" is misspelled in the "Madrid Chili Festival" banner. It is spelled like the country of Chile.
Contrary to popular belief, lit cigarettes don't burn hot enough enough to light gasoline on fire.
After Woody retrieves Dudley's bike and they are riding past the Del Fuegos, all of the Wild Hogs are waving with their left hands. However, Woody sends a hand signal using his right hand, the one needed for the throttle--yet his engine is heard speeding up.
In the scene where Woody is in his lawyer's office being told he is broke, the first date on the desk calendar is the 13th, and the next date is the 21st.
In the scene of Peter Fonda's character asking the Wild Hogs what they call themselves, the F symbol on Fonda's jacket is on the right side and he is looking to his left, the next time we see him, the F symbol is on his left side, reversed, and he is looking towards his right. It is obvious the film negative for the scene is reversed.
The front tire on Woody's motorcycle is on backwards. The tread should go the other way.
After Woody stops watching Dudley walk into the diner he stands up. When he does the tree he was hiding behind moves.
During the bull-slapping scene, as he runs from right to left, a trainer can be seen for a second in the background.
Early in the film when Doug (Tim Allen) is taken to a Cincinnati hospital, an outdoor image of the hospital clearly shows two palm trees in the background. There are no palm trees in Cincinnati. This is obviously a "stock shot." The same identical stock shot appears in "Old Dogs" when Rita Wilson is taken to a hospital. (There are no palm trees in that part of the country either).
The van Karen arrives in in Madrid (possibly a rental after flying to New Mexico) has a New Mexico plate visible on the front of the van. Vehicles in New Mexico do not have front plates issued.
After they supposedly leave Ohio and before they get to the sign that says "Welcome to Missouri", they cross a long bridge over a very deep canyon. That had to be filmed out West; there are no canyons that deep between Ohio and the Missouri state line.
When the Hogs are gathering on the road in "Cincinnati" in the opening scene, the background has architecture and landscape not widely seen in Cincinnati: ranch homes, tile roofs, trees down the median, and straight split-lane neighborhood streets, flat terrain (Cincinnati is hilly), blue-painted metal lamp posts inner-city, and horizontally-mounted traffic signals.
The bridge they ride over is near Taos, New Mexico--but they haven't entered New Mexico yet.
Doug calls Kelly late in the day on Sunday, and by early to mid-Monday morning, Kelly and Karen arrive in what appears to be the family minivan. It would take over 20 hours to drive from Cincinnati to Madrid at 70 MPH without stops.
If Doug's cholesterol is so high, likely he is taking cholesterol medication; if so, he wouldn't be eating grapefruit for breakfast. Grapefruit and cholesterol medication do not interact well, often causing severe kidney damage, and can even be fatal. Being a "Doctor" (Dentist) he most certainly would know that.
By the end of the film Sheriff Charlie says it was amazing, something like level 12 in Doom. However, if he had really played Doom he would have known that the game has no 12th level. It is composed of 4 chapters with 10 different levels each. The player can choose what chapter to play first, making it impossible to establish if there is actually a 12th level.