The Enterprise is in dock to have its computers updated by a group of Bynars, a species that has evolved from computers. They work on things in pairs at a rapid fire pace. Both Wesley and Riker are a bit suspicious of what is going on. While Riker and Picard sit in the a jazz club in the holodeck with a beautiful young woman, bad things are happening. Somehow, the Enterprise is being compromised. Data orders the crew evacuated because the ship is potentially explosive. Once everyone is off (except, of course, Riker and Picard) the ship leaves and goes into warp. It is now up to the two ranking officers to figure out what is happening and to remedy it. I won't spoil anything, but for the first time there is a story of real complexity, aliens that are very interesting, and a problem that could happen in this realm. The solution is quite satisfying. The other thing that works here is that the characters of the Captain and his Number One relax and show their human sides. Jean Luc in particular is probably a pretty lonely man, married to his ship. Like a brother in a monastery, everyone else comes first. Riker is a romantic and shows himself quite the smooth talker and we find that he has a great love of jazz and a penchant for the trombone.