When Chuck confuses David Spade for Jessica Biel in the playboy bunny outfit, in the shot from behind, it's actually Biel herself in the outfit.
Dan Aykroyd approached Adam Sandler and respectfully requested to change some of his lines. Sandler thought the material Aykroyd came up with was hilarious, so he was allowed to do so.
Steve Buscemi was actually a New York City Firefighter before he became an actor. His brother is an actor, Michael Buscemi, who plays a firefighter -- "Higgy" in the credits, "Higgins" on his uniform. In turn, an actual firefighter named Mark Higgins (and childhood friend of Sandler's) appears in the movie, but is credited only as "Fireman", along with several other actual firefighters.
The book Chuck reads to Larry's kids is "The Puppy Who Lost its Way," which is the same book Miss Lippy read in Billy Madison (1995), another Adam Sandler film.