Ezra Miller credited as playing...
The Flash • Barry Allen
- Barry Allen: How many people are on this special fight team?
- Bruce Wayne: Three, including you.
- Barry Allen: Three? Against what?
- Bruce Wayne: I'll tell you on the plane.
- Barry Allen: [gets in the car] Plane? What are your superpowers again?
- Bruce Wayne: I'm rich.
- Bruce Wayne: [in the Flash's room] Barry Allen! Bruce Wayne.
- Barry Allen: You said that like it explains why there's a total stranger sitting in the dark in my second favorite chair.
- Commissioner Gordon: How many of you are there?
- Batman: Not enough.
- Commissioner Gordon: Do you really think that...?
- [Gordon turns to see that Batman, Cyborg and Wonder Woman are gone]
- The Flash: Oh, wow. They just... They really just vanished, huh? Oh, that's rude.
- [the Flash runs off]
- Barry Allen: Whoever you're looking for, it's not me.
- [Bruce throws a batarang at Barry, who steps back with super-human speed and catches it]
- Barry Allen: You're the Batman?
- Bruce Wayne: So, you're fast.
- Barry Allen: That feels like an oversimplification.
- Bruce Wayne: [sees the Flash suit] Silica-based quartz sand fabric. Abrasion resistant. Heat resistant.
- Barry Allen: Uh... yeah, I do... competitive ice dancing.
- Bruce Wayne: It's what they use on the space shuttle to prevent it from burning up on re-entry.
- Barry Allen: I do... very competitive ice dancing.
- Bruce Wayne: I'm putting together a team of people with special abilities. See, I believe enemies are coming...
- Barry Allen: Stop right there. I'm in.
- Bruce Wayne: You are?
- Barry Allen: Yeah, I... I need... friends. People are difficult, they require a lot of focus. They, uh... they have a rhythm that I haven't quite been able to - like brunch! What is brunch? You wait in line for an hour for, essentially, lunch. I mean... I don't know. People are... a little slow.
- Bruce Wayne: [smiles] I'll try to keep up.
- Barry Allen: [holds up batarang] Can I keep this?
- Arthur Curry: Honestly... I think we're gonna be dead way before that. And you know what? I don't mind. It's an honorable end. But we've gotta shut Steppenwolf down. Superman's a no-show.
- [to Bruce]
- Arthur Curry: You've got no powers, no offense.
- [to Victor]
- Arthur Curry: This guy might be working for the enemy. We don't know.
- [to Barry]
- Arthur Curry: You're tripping over your feet, and mine...
- [to Diana]
- Arthur Curry: Whuf, you're gorgeous, and fierce... and strong. I know we went to war with the Amazons, but that was before my time. You know what? I don't wanna die. I'm young. There's shit that I wanna do. I just feel like... I didn't really embrace the sea or the land. I've been a loner my whole life. But being part of something bigger, like this... maybe I'm scared because... I'm meant to...
- [Bruce smiles and gestures to Arthur, who looks down and realizes he's sitting on Diana's Golden Lasso. Irritably, he pulls it out from under his butt and tosses it back to her]
- Diana Prince: I think that was beautiful.
- Arthur Curry: [as Barry starts to speak] You say a word about this, you'll meet every piranha I know.
- Barry Allen: ...I honestly didn't hear anything after "we're all gonna die."
- The Flash: Okay, here's the thing. See, I'm afraid of bugs, and guns, and obnoxiously tall people, and *murder*. I can't be here. It's really cool you guys seem ready to do battle and stuff, but - full transparency - I've never done battle. I've just pushed some people and run away!
- Batman: Save one.
- The Flash: What?
- Batman: Save one person.
- The Flash: Uh... which one?
- Batman: Don't talk, don't fight. Get in, get one out.
- The Flash: And-and then?
- Batman: You'll know.
- The Flash: ...Okay.
- Bruce Wayne: The motherbox was designed to reshape a planet. But what if you were stronger than a planet? If your cells were lying dormant, but incapable of decay? A boost from the motherbox...
- Barry Allen: ...could bring him back to life.
- Batman: [Parademon about to attack him] Son of a bitch.
- Wonder Woman: AHH!
- [knocks Parademon from Batmobile]
- The Flash: [running by] Oh, snap!
- Cyborg: [finishes several Parademons] You're welcome.
- Aquaman: [Jumps onto Batmobile fender] YEAH!
- Batman: This isn't the plan.
- Alfred Pennyworth: No, Master Wayne. This is the team.
- Cyborg: Hey, blame the lady. We would've left you, but she didn't ask for a vote.
- Barry Allen: [after Cyborg briefly leaves during the first battle against Steppenwolf] Did he just bail on us?
- Barry Allen: [scarfing a whole pizza on the way to Bruce's car] It's like this layer of dimensional reality that seems to manipulate space-time. I call it the Speed Force. It causes me to burn a tremendous amount of calories, so I am just a black hole of snacks. I am a snack hole.
- Steppenwolf: [catches one of the Nightcrawler's missiles in his bare hand] Primitive beings...
- [He releases the missile to explode against the wall]
- The Flash: What are we under right now?
- [Ominous rumbling]
- Batman: ...Gotham Harbor.
- [from trailer]
- Barry Allen: [looks up] Oh, awesome! That's the Bat-Signal! That's your...!
- [whispers]
- Barry Allen: Oh, shh, sorry. That's your signal, that means we have to go now?
- Bruce Wayne: Yeah, that's... that's what that means.
- Barry Allen: [giggling] It's so cool!
- [Bruce rolls his eyes at Diana and they all set off together]
- The Flash: [after deflecting Wonder Woman's sword back to her, Flash trips on a staircase] Oh, fuck.