• Severe
  • Second story: You see a woman sitting on a toilet and with her underwear pulled down around her shins. There is a glimpse inside the underwear and you see a bloodied liner and a fetus that briefly moves.
  • Second Story: You see a woman crouched behind a doll house eating something that is apparently very bloody. Blood all around mouth and on her hands. It is seen that she is eating worms.
  • Second story: You see a woman covered in blood and briefly looks as though she is pulling a strand of skin off of her arm.
  • Second story: A man walks in on a woman, she is covered in blood and has apparently lacerations on various parts of her body.
  • Third story: You see severed hand in several different brief shots. You see a child rub the blood of it on his face and his mouth. And later see him take a bite out of the wrist.
  • Third Story: You see a monster that looks like a sasquatch attack a you girl and eat her behind a desk. It's very obscure and not graphic. Other than two quick shots of him slurping up was appears to be intestines.