69 of 191 found this mild
A bit of cleavage. Second scene shows female wearing somewhat revealing outfits. Nothing too bad. Could easily be in a PG-13 movie.
49 of 79 found this moderate
A man hangs dead from a construction crane.
Someone runs through what appears to be a puddle of blood.
We see news clips of violence and protests; and we catch hand-drawn glimpses of the old shah's cruelty to his people (most notably an illustration of a bloodied man being tortured).
Iranians push down and jostle people and shoot doors (trying to open them).
We see a man shot in the gut (The camera's some distance away.)
60 of 118 found this severe
25 uses of "fuck," most of which are said in the first 30 minutes, 7 uses of "shit," 5 uses of "hell," 4 uses of "Goddamn," 4 uses of "prick" and 1 use each of "Jesus," "Jesus Christ," "son of a bitch," "bastard," "dick," "Oh my God," "My God" and "Mother of God."
52 of 79 found this mild
Everyone smokes throughout the movie. Many also drink. Tony drinks quite a lot as well, and although he never appears drunk, he does at one point take a bottle of whiskey to his room.
45 of 77 found this moderate
Nearly every encounter in the movie has the feel of a tightrope walk, where any false step or errant gust could mean disaster.
The Scenes in Airport and Market could be very intense for many viewers
The film details a hostage situation intimately from multiple perspectives, and is accordingly intense.
American and Iranian symbols are repeatedly defiled (including the flag and an image of "Uncle Sam")
When Tony and his six Americans meet an Iranian official in a bazaar, their VW bus is jostled and thumped by a crowd of demonstrators. And when an Iranian takes exception to one of the women taking pictures in the bazaar, things get ugly: Locals begin shouting and screaming, and it looks as though the confrontation is just seconds from turning bloody.
In America, individuals supposedly of Iranian descent are briefly shown being wrathfully beaten.