32 reviews
This is the best Lego game I've ever played! The open world is enormous big and there are so many beautiful planets to discover. It's fun to play the whole Skywalker Saga story in one single game. There are 45 levels (5 each movie) and they are amazing. Some of the levels are a little bit disappointing because they are too short. The first episode was the weakest with the worst levels, but you can't compare a 45-level game with other 15-level Lego games. The bossfights are amazing as hell! It doesn't feel like a Lego game anymore, but more like Battlefront. The starfighter combats are amazing too and reminded me of Battlefront 2. I started with the prequels, but feel free to start with the trilogy you want. I may try to complete this game to 100%. The game has a few bugs, but it shouldn't be that dramatic.
Overall it's an amazing Lego game.
Overall it's an amazing Lego game.
I've been hyped for this game since before covid and have kept up with all the news. When I was little, the complete saga was my favorite game, and you better believe I played everything I could. This game I think is either directed more at kids or maybe as more of a complimentary piece to go with the movies. Going through just the story from start to finish (which is what most star wars will do) feels just like going through the motions. The combat is slightly updated into what I would call elevated mashing. It is a little more sophisticated, but still very mashable. The flying is pretty goofy, but not terrible. This game just feels like its going through the motions though. Everything feels more drawn out than it needs to be and the humor is much more in the face than the original. I will say, if you are a little kid who like to make fart noises and make fun of star wars, this game was meant for you. However, the visuals are fantastic, I can't stress that enough. Surprisingly, the sequels were the best part. I think the best way to play this game is to play that third after replaying the complete saga, it is just more exciting.
- jeremiahbcole
- Apr 25, 2022
- Permalink
This game has it all. If you want to roam around the galaxy fighting star-destroyers and exploring planets, this is the game for you. The missons are special with voice acting and a full story. This is the ultimate star wars game!
Two little nits to pick. One, this has the usual, fantastic split-screen coop mode of Lego games, but no online multiplayer (as usual, but still).
Two, it has LOTS of Star Wars characters to choose from (we are talking hundreds), but no character customization to create your Jedi/Sith/scoundrel and roam around the galaxy (kind of lousy, since other Star Wars Lego games had it).
Having gotten those complaints out of the way, the game is charming and well-done, a humorous re-telling of the nine movies (playable out of order if you like) with the really fun free-roam mode, which allows the player to visit all the locations unlocked in the game to explore planets, complete non-story missions and search for collectibles.
It's weird that the one Star Wars game including some kind of open world sandbox with over 20 planets to visit, space battles when you travel from a place to another and different character classes with unique gameplay... is a Lego game.
Really says something about how sadly underused the license has been in the last years. I mean, I liked Fallen Order, Squadrons and the Battlefront games, but where's the Star Wars equivalent of Skyrim?
Still, this scratches that itch to a little, brick-y extent. A nice game, crafted with passion and care.
Two, it has LOTS of Star Wars characters to choose from (we are talking hundreds), but no character customization to create your Jedi/Sith/scoundrel and roam around the galaxy (kind of lousy, since other Star Wars Lego games had it).
Having gotten those complaints out of the way, the game is charming and well-done, a humorous re-telling of the nine movies (playable out of order if you like) with the really fun free-roam mode, which allows the player to visit all the locations unlocked in the game to explore planets, complete non-story missions and search for collectibles.
It's weird that the one Star Wars game including some kind of open world sandbox with over 20 planets to visit, space battles when you travel from a place to another and different character classes with unique gameplay... is a Lego game.
Really says something about how sadly underused the license has been in the last years. I mean, I liked Fallen Order, Squadrons and the Battlefront games, but where's the Star Wars equivalent of Skyrim?
Still, this scratches that itch to a little, brick-y extent. A nice game, crafted with passion and care.
What an absolute amazing game. Lego Star Wars on ps2 and then the original trilogy I played over and over again and then the complete saga came out and I played that over and over. And I always wished for another. Dream come true.
Hello there. The complete saga was the first video game I played as a young boy, and it made this game that much more beautiful. It's our childhood game, back and better than ever. The humour is so, so on point and the gameplays had a complete overhaul. Not to mention it's beautiful graphics. This is a game to pick up for that kid who loved the classic game all those years ago. To experience a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.
Buy this game now. It is amazing and super fun for adults and kids. Like omg it's so gooooooooooooooooooooood. Buy it now or i will kidnap your family.
- samlonergan-89463
- Apr 4, 2022
- Permalink
Well what can I say... Having grown up playing the first ever Lego Star Wars game, even playing the demo on PS2 extensively, I didn't expect much considering in my opinion Lego games have gotten progressively worse since the Complete Saga was released. How wrong was I! This game is an absolute masterpiece, something to behold for the ages, the seamless profession from level to level in different sort of "home planets", the flying of ships in "space areas" the choice for players to start where they want on any of the 3 trilogies. The abilities/classes given to the 380 (that's right 380) characters unlockable within the game.
It is quite astounding the effort that has gone into this game, the graphics are incredible, the voice actors are incredible, everything is incredible!!!! Buy it!!!!
It is quite astounding the effort that has gone into this game, the graphics are incredible, the voice actors are incredible, everything is incredible!!!! Buy it!!!!
- ryanbell-54709
- Apr 6, 2022
- Permalink
The year is 2005 and I have been invited last minute to my kid neighbor's birthday party. My old man and I run to Walmart to try and find anything a 7 year old kid might love and what do we find but Lego Star Wars: The Video Game; the hit game that's been out for less than a month. I begged him to buy it because I knew it would be the best gift at the party and since it was a sleepover, this game would surely give us the adrenaline we needed to survive the night.
This is a fond memory rooted in my childhood and I spent many of my adolescent years enjoying the Lego entries; my top two being Star Wars saga and Harry Potter 1-4. Now, in my possession, are all 9 games of the Star Wars series remade to perfection.
There's so much to talk about that I could honestly write out an essay of why this game is amazing, so all I'll say is this: If you have any gut feelings about buying this game, buy it. The delay was worth it and it's worth every cent of its price. I'm now 23 years old and my entire Friday at work consisted of me being excited to go home and play this game. I haven't shaved, showered, and I'm surviving on chicken noodle soup and hard boiled eggs. Life is good. Get this game.
This is a fond memory rooted in my childhood and I spent many of my adolescent years enjoying the Lego entries; my top two being Star Wars saga and Harry Potter 1-4. Now, in my possession, are all 9 games of the Star Wars series remade to perfection.
There's so much to talk about that I could honestly write out an essay of why this game is amazing, so all I'll say is this: If you have any gut feelings about buying this game, buy it. The delay was worth it and it's worth every cent of its price. I'm now 23 years old and my entire Friday at work consisted of me being excited to go home and play this game. I haven't shaved, showered, and I'm surviving on chicken noodle soup and hard boiled eggs. Life is good. Get this game.
- graystripe38898
- Apr 9, 2022
- Permalink
I love it but they heavily focused on the new trilogy and breezed past the first 6, it's really my only problem with the game. Cause the new trilogy is the worst one by far.
- maxbeaudoin
- Apr 12, 2022
- Permalink
This was worth every penny. Basically everything is improved upon in this installment. The combat, the graphics, the humor, the collectibles, the characters, etc.
This is a perfect game for a kid, but even for older folks who grew up with the originals like me. I haven't had this much fun playing a video game in a while.
TT games knocked it out of the park!
This is a perfect game for a kid, but even for older folks who grew up with the originals like me. I haven't had this much fun playing a video game in a while.
TT games knocked it out of the park!
Now, I'm not the all time biggest Star Wars fan but I have been hyped for this game for ages and now that it's out it's amazing. The only thing stopping from a higher rating is the absence of multiplayer. I feel as though multiplayer would greatly improve this and it was one of the things I was looking forward to in it. If multiplayer is ever added I would definitely update my rating as apart from that everything is done perfectly.
- connorgormley
- Apr 7, 2022
- Permalink
Like many kids who grew up in the 2000's, Lego games formed a pretty significant part of my hours spent annoying my parents screaming at the TV in my unbroken voice, especially when I wasn't annoying them by leaving my real life Lego all over the floor for them to agonizingly step on. I experienced many franchises I enjoyed in the form of choking hazards, like Batman, Indiana Jones, and Harry Potter.
But the last one I bought was the first Lego Marvel game, although I do recall playing the one based on The Force Awakens because my little brother bought that one, and when he was done with it I figured I might as well give it a try. I don't remember a damn thing about it, but i played that Lego Marvel game for hours on end when I was 12, and then stopped bothering with new Lego games when they came out.
But of all the franchises I experienced through a plastic filter, Star Wars had to be the one I played the most. That could have something to do with the fact that there was three of them, but nevertheless, I put sooooo many hours into all three of them that they're all likely still etched into my mind all these years later.
So hearing about this game, even though I hadn't bought a Lego game since I was 12, nearly 10 years ago, the prospect of having an updated version of those games I loved so much as a child, plus the new trilogy put into Lego form alongside the first six films, was quite alluring.
Unfortunately, it's taught me a pretty sharp lesson in why nostalgia is a hell of a drug. Because, yes, I enjoyed my time playing this game for the most part, but certainly not as much as any of the others, and certainly not enough to play any more than the 45 main levels. But let me raise you a question about Lego games: why do people enjoy them?
I would say one of two reasons: either they're a fan of whatever franchise the game is based on, or because historically, they've always been so irresistibly charming and funny. Even if you don't agree with these reasons, I think one reason we can all agree on as not being a factor in why people (or adults, at least) enjoy these games is the gameplay. The combat has always been mash a button to hit/blast things until they fall apart, platforming has always been incredibly simple and easy, and even if you do die, the only punishment is you lose some currency you picked up. Even then, you respawn fast enough that you can easily get it all back again.
And some of that is different in this game, but we'll get to that soon enough. Applying the two reasons people like these games to me, I do like Star Wars (for the most part, I certainly don't like the first two films of the prequel trilogy, or the last two of the sequel trilogy, but I like the universe, and I'm not going to judge this game on the sometimes awful material it adapts because that just wouldn't be fair.)
So then the other reason...their charm. Well, as much as I hate to say it, I think that these games being fully voice acted for over 10 years now has significantly stripped back that charm. I think their sense of humour was much more unique when there was no dialogue, it's more fitting when you consider that pieces of plastic can't talk, and as an incentive to the developers, I'm sure it was much cheaper too.
This game still has its funny moments, but I really don't think it can compare to the originals. It's like what they did with Tom and Jerry in that awful animated film from the 90's, where they decided to make them talk and sing, and with one fell stroke, completely ruined the comedic purpose of the characters.
And there's never anything particularly funny in the level design either. Remember how there were a bunch of stormtroopers in a hot tub in a random room of the second game? Or how you could make a load of Kaminoans dance by activating a disco ball in the first? You won't get anything like that here, from what I saw anyway.
And the gameplay is both as simple and straightforward as the Lego games of old, yet also reeks of homogeneity. It feels like it's desperately trying to fit into the big boys' club with its cover system, shooting with the triggers (and the aim reticle is atrocious, by the way), free roaming around the galaxy with waaaay too many side missions and collectibles, upgrade system (yes, seriously, this Lego game where you will die and always spawn back exactly where you were has an upgrade system, that I of course never touched), and how it's suddenly got that thing modern games have where it automatically makes your character jump to platforms just by pressing a button, making it even more easy...I really feel like I have to question what the point of these games still being made is.
If it doesn't have as much of the charm, and the way its decided to evolve its gameplay is to make it more like everything else, then what really is the point? I can't even say it has fun bosses or something, because nearly every boss has the exact same moveset, which is just so lazy.
The best thing I can say about it is that it certainly looks and sounds like The Skywalker Saga made with Lego. Barring Yoda looking like absolute crap for whatever reason, and a few of the voice actors being terrible imitators of the characters (seriously, who is the lucky contestant off of r/niceguys that they got to voice Kylo), the graphics and sound design perfectly recreate the Star Wars universe.
Unfortunately, this game I bought to relive some childhood nostalgia only ended up being a rude awakening to how I assume Lego games must have been made since I stopped playing them, and how they've presumably just been trying to make them more like everything else for the last decade or so. And of course, since I'm old now, how much better things were in my day.
Damn it, when did I become my dad...
But the last one I bought was the first Lego Marvel game, although I do recall playing the one based on The Force Awakens because my little brother bought that one, and when he was done with it I figured I might as well give it a try. I don't remember a damn thing about it, but i played that Lego Marvel game for hours on end when I was 12, and then stopped bothering with new Lego games when they came out.
But of all the franchises I experienced through a plastic filter, Star Wars had to be the one I played the most. That could have something to do with the fact that there was three of them, but nevertheless, I put sooooo many hours into all three of them that they're all likely still etched into my mind all these years later.
So hearing about this game, even though I hadn't bought a Lego game since I was 12, nearly 10 years ago, the prospect of having an updated version of those games I loved so much as a child, plus the new trilogy put into Lego form alongside the first six films, was quite alluring.
Unfortunately, it's taught me a pretty sharp lesson in why nostalgia is a hell of a drug. Because, yes, I enjoyed my time playing this game for the most part, but certainly not as much as any of the others, and certainly not enough to play any more than the 45 main levels. But let me raise you a question about Lego games: why do people enjoy them?
I would say one of two reasons: either they're a fan of whatever franchise the game is based on, or because historically, they've always been so irresistibly charming and funny. Even if you don't agree with these reasons, I think one reason we can all agree on as not being a factor in why people (or adults, at least) enjoy these games is the gameplay. The combat has always been mash a button to hit/blast things until they fall apart, platforming has always been incredibly simple and easy, and even if you do die, the only punishment is you lose some currency you picked up. Even then, you respawn fast enough that you can easily get it all back again.
And some of that is different in this game, but we'll get to that soon enough. Applying the two reasons people like these games to me, I do like Star Wars (for the most part, I certainly don't like the first two films of the prequel trilogy, or the last two of the sequel trilogy, but I like the universe, and I'm not going to judge this game on the sometimes awful material it adapts because that just wouldn't be fair.)
So then the other reason...their charm. Well, as much as I hate to say it, I think that these games being fully voice acted for over 10 years now has significantly stripped back that charm. I think their sense of humour was much more unique when there was no dialogue, it's more fitting when you consider that pieces of plastic can't talk, and as an incentive to the developers, I'm sure it was much cheaper too.
This game still has its funny moments, but I really don't think it can compare to the originals. It's like what they did with Tom and Jerry in that awful animated film from the 90's, where they decided to make them talk and sing, and with one fell stroke, completely ruined the comedic purpose of the characters.
And there's never anything particularly funny in the level design either. Remember how there were a bunch of stormtroopers in a hot tub in a random room of the second game? Or how you could make a load of Kaminoans dance by activating a disco ball in the first? You won't get anything like that here, from what I saw anyway.
And the gameplay is both as simple and straightforward as the Lego games of old, yet also reeks of homogeneity. It feels like it's desperately trying to fit into the big boys' club with its cover system, shooting with the triggers (and the aim reticle is atrocious, by the way), free roaming around the galaxy with waaaay too many side missions and collectibles, upgrade system (yes, seriously, this Lego game where you will die and always spawn back exactly where you were has an upgrade system, that I of course never touched), and how it's suddenly got that thing modern games have where it automatically makes your character jump to platforms just by pressing a button, making it even more easy...I really feel like I have to question what the point of these games still being made is.
If it doesn't have as much of the charm, and the way its decided to evolve its gameplay is to make it more like everything else, then what really is the point? I can't even say it has fun bosses or something, because nearly every boss has the exact same moveset, which is just so lazy.
The best thing I can say about it is that it certainly looks and sounds like The Skywalker Saga made with Lego. Barring Yoda looking like absolute crap for whatever reason, and a few of the voice actors being terrible imitators of the characters (seriously, who is the lucky contestant off of r/niceguys that they got to voice Kylo), the graphics and sound design perfectly recreate the Star Wars universe.
Unfortunately, this game I bought to relive some childhood nostalgia only ended up being a rude awakening to how I assume Lego games must have been made since I stopped playing them, and how they've presumably just been trying to make them more like everything else for the last decade or so. And of course, since I'm old now, how much better things were in my day.
Damn it, when did I become my dad...
- TheCorniestLemur
- Jun 12, 2022
- Permalink
I really enjoy the game. Its real nostalgic and open worlded and has a great amount of characters. The only thing I don't like about it is the easiness of the game. I really think they should add a bit more challenge to the game. I've played trough the first three games in just around three ours. Other things are great!
- svitmihelic
- Apr 12, 2022
- Permalink
- ajgreer-20023
- Apr 13, 2022
- Permalink
- scottramsay-21848
- Apr 21, 2022
- Permalink
The game is great. It's easy and fun to play and most of the moments you would want to play are included except for a couple of odd exclusions.( They skipped over the battle of Crait and the duel between Mace and Palpatine). The open world is the best part as most of the planets are very large. Corusaunt,Tatooine and Naboo stood out as the most impressive in terms of size. I'm still confused as to why Kijimi is not explorable though. Also in its current state, the game definitely needs some patches to fix a couple of glitches. The game definitely does lag at certain moments.
- williambartley-69700
- Apr 23, 2022
- Permalink
This game is so fun, I played through the story with my sister (who is a huge Star Wars fan) and we had so much fun, it retells every Skywalker based Star Wars movie in its own charming, lego way and it works so well.
There is so much to explore and do aswell outside of story, it's open world, And there is so many Characters, ships and Kyber Bricks to collect, it's endless and addicting.
I love most of the Star Wars movies and every chapter in this game was great, if you enjoy the Previous Lego Star Wars games (Lego Star Wars, Lego Star Wars II The Original Trilogy, Lego Star Wars The Complete Saga, Lego Star Wars III The Clone Wars, Lego Star Wars The Force awakens) or are a fan of Lego, you will love this game.
There is so much to explore and do aswell outside of story, it's open world, And there is so many Characters, ships and Kyber Bricks to collect, it's endless and addicting.
I love most of the Star Wars movies and every chapter in this game was great, if you enjoy the Previous Lego Star Wars games (Lego Star Wars, Lego Star Wars II The Original Trilogy, Lego Star Wars The Complete Saga, Lego Star Wars III The Clone Wars, Lego Star Wars The Force awakens) or are a fan of Lego, you will love this game.
Great game but this game is kind of complicated but still a really good game and the funny humor is OK too A lot of characters to collect but still really good game.
- jediwalker-49827
- Aug 6, 2022
- Permalink
This blew me away in terms of presentation - awesome music score, great Lego versions of all the characters, and faithful representations of all the locations in the universe. Any Star Wars fan will be in heaven watching the movies come to life in a new and unique way.
Unfortunately the gameplay gets very stale after a period of time, with mostly shooting and button mashing melee combat being the main gameplay. Adding the ability to buy extras and complete mostly banal side missions does not make the main story any different to play or add much to the experience.
There's no doubt that kids will love this, and adults will appreciate it being essentially an interactive movie of the Skywalker Saga, but in the end it's just a lot of the same stuff.
Unfortunately the gameplay gets very stale after a period of time, with mostly shooting and button mashing melee combat being the main gameplay. Adding the ability to buy extras and complete mostly banal side missions does not make the main story any different to play or add much to the experience.
There's no doubt that kids will love this, and adults will appreciate it being essentially an interactive movie of the Skywalker Saga, but in the end it's just a lot of the same stuff.
I only really got really interested once I learned about the exploration aspect of the different planets and the sheer amount of characters to unlock. It felt like a real step up in ambition compared to the previous Lego games. But could it remain the charm of the older games?, How is the voice acting?, How much creativity was put into the Collection of Kyber Bricks?, Is the DLC's worth it?
Hmmm Hmmmm:
The graphics were top notch, Humor was really on point and well thought out with a lot of popular references and it was clear the developers loved Star wars. I loved the Voice acting and i much prefer it to the old mumble mode, they really did a great job finding voice actors (some being the actual ones, c3po/lando for example, clone wars)
The kyber bricks were at points very similar to collect, but I mostly had fun collecting them all over the galaxy. It reminded me a lot of Super mario odyssey, it of course doesn't live up to the quality of collecting power moons :D. I enjoyed the fact that they were all uniquely named though, it was fun seeing all the puns.
Final Thonk :
In my opinion this is the best Lego game by far, It did suffer from a lot of bugs, but I was absolutely fine with it. The character roster were great with a lot of obscure characters having voice acting and unique movements. The interactions between characters were hilarious to discover and I'm sad the devs didn't get to add as many as they had planned.
As usual in these games the grind around 65-85% is a bit boring, but once you get towards the end it's very much worth it for me :)
I have 100%'d two lego games so far, this and Lego Marvel Superheroes 1!
I would rate this 9/10, with the former a 8/10! A really great game overal.
I only really got really interested once I learned about the exploration aspect of the different planets and the sheer amount of characters to unlock. It felt like a real step up in ambition compared to the previous Lego games. But could it remain the charm of the older games?, How is the voice acting?, How much creativity was put into the Collection of Kyber Bricks?, Is the DLC's worth it?
Hmmm Hmmmm:
The graphics were top notch, Humor was really on point and well thought out with a lot of popular references and it was clear the developers loved Star wars. I loved the Voice acting and i much prefer it to the old mumble mode, they really did a great job finding voice actors (some being the actual ones, c3po/lando for example, clone wars)
The kyber bricks were at points very similar to collect, but I mostly had fun collecting them all over the galaxy. It reminded me a lot of Super mario odyssey, it of course doesn't live up to the quality of collecting power moons :D. I enjoyed the fact that they were all uniquely named though, it was fun seeing all the puns.
Final Thonk :
In my opinion this is the best Lego game by far, It did suffer from a lot of bugs, but I was absolutely fine with it. The character roster were great with a lot of obscure characters having voice acting and unique movements. The interactions between characters were hilarious to discover and I'm sad the devs didn't get to add as many as they had planned.
As usual in these games the grind around 65-85% is a bit boring, but once you get towards the end it's very much worth it for me :)
I have 100%'d two lego games so far, this and Lego Marvel Superheroes 1!
I would rate this 9/10, with the former a 8/10! A really great game overal.
I've been playing and enjoying "Lego" games across multiple generations of consoles for decades now and whilst they fundamentally remain the same, there is one element that has been increasing for years that here, crosses over from a positive to a negative.
"Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga" allows players to relive the action of the principle nine "Star Wars" movies, with a comic twist. Away from reliving classic plot moments, there is a whole galaxy of planets to explore and collect Kyber Bricks, minikits and all-important studs too unlock hundreds of characters, variations, spaceships and abilities. Once a level has been completed, it can then be done again in freeplay mode, which allows the player to take a different character through a scene and unlock more of the above.
I'm going to make what is perhaps an unusual argument here, particularly in an era of content cut from games to sell to you as DLC, but "Skywalker Saga" is too big a game. I think the pinnacle of the Lego games was probably "The Avengers" one, where there were levels based on the films and then you had a version of Manhattan that operated as a hub world, but gave you access to bonus missions, races and objectives. You could cross this hub world in a couple of minutes though. This game has every planet from the saga represented, a labyrinthian game area on each one and an area of space above it. That, in and of itself, is not a bad thing - the trouble is each of them quickly becomes repetitive, so you end up doing the same jumping section, or mini-collection mission, over and over again. What's worse, is that the time spent building all these sparsely populated and generally uninteresting worlds, has come at the expense of the actual mission levels that recreate the film, as they too don't seem to have the ingenuity or fun that the previous games have had.
I'd still say it's too far to describe the game as being "bad". It's fun still smashing and collecting and there are occasionally nicely observed jokes about "Star Wars" - but this is too big for it's own good.
"Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga" allows players to relive the action of the principle nine "Star Wars" movies, with a comic twist. Away from reliving classic plot moments, there is a whole galaxy of planets to explore and collect Kyber Bricks, minikits and all-important studs too unlock hundreds of characters, variations, spaceships and abilities. Once a level has been completed, it can then be done again in freeplay mode, which allows the player to take a different character through a scene and unlock more of the above.
I'm going to make what is perhaps an unusual argument here, particularly in an era of content cut from games to sell to you as DLC, but "Skywalker Saga" is too big a game. I think the pinnacle of the Lego games was probably "The Avengers" one, where there were levels based on the films and then you had a version of Manhattan that operated as a hub world, but gave you access to bonus missions, races and objectives. You could cross this hub world in a couple of minutes though. This game has every planet from the saga represented, a labyrinthian game area on each one and an area of space above it. That, in and of itself, is not a bad thing - the trouble is each of them quickly becomes repetitive, so you end up doing the same jumping section, or mini-collection mission, over and over again. What's worse, is that the time spent building all these sparsely populated and generally uninteresting worlds, has come at the expense of the actual mission levels that recreate the film, as they too don't seem to have the ingenuity or fun that the previous games have had.
I'd still say it's too far to describe the game as being "bad". It's fun still smashing and collecting and there are occasionally nicely observed jokes about "Star Wars" - but this is too big for it's own good.
- southdavid
- Aug 29, 2024
- Permalink
The camera following and position drives me insane. It follows very closely to player 1 leaving you in awkward viwing spaces while fighting, moving around in tight spots, and moving in general. While shooting you have to be aiming. It's always an over the shoulder camera where you take up 60 percent of the screen leaving you vulnerable to attack and with no visibility around yourself. You cannot adjust this or shut it off. No free shooting around like in previous games.
The levels are ridiculously underwhelming. They are short, lack engaging puzzles and objectives, and the fighting of villains and side characters during them is not satisfying whatsoever. Everything is all over the place and messy.
The open world and overall look is amazing. Plenty of puzzles, objectives, and things to discover but it takes away from the story which should be the best part but is the worst.
The levels are ridiculously underwhelming. They are short, lack engaging puzzles and objectives, and the fighting of villains and side characters during them is not satisfying whatsoever. Everything is all over the place and messy.
The open world and overall look is amazing. Plenty of puzzles, objectives, and things to discover but it takes away from the story which should be the best part but is the worst.
I have been playing lego games for a long time. Im just gonna have to say this one is the best Lego game ever. There is so many planets to explore and alot of charaters and vechiels. Every single 9 main Star Wars movie is here and 400+ characters! So if you are getting a Lego game, this is it!
- morganalvar
- Jul 6, 2022
- Permalink
Amazing well-done videogame! There's so much in this game and it pays homage to all the movies with so much nostalgia along with it that brings you back to a galaxy far far away!!! 5/5 stars for sure and 2 thumbs straight up for phenomenal gameplay, storytelling, and a great story as well!
- cbrakebush96
- Apr 27, 2022
- Permalink