• Severe
  • There are many fights throughout, whether it be with a gun or swords. However, there never is any large amount of blood.
  • At the end of the series people are getting absorbed to fuel a giant machine
  • There is one enemy who melts anything he touches. He is described as a murderer who kills women and then rapes them. However, none of his killings are ever seen, only the bodies lying dead
  • At the beginning of the series a character dies. She is seen with blood on her face
  • There is a fight between the main characters and a giant plant man. No blood
  • The main character is a former assassin who kills a few people at the beginning of the series. However, most of the time its either a silhouette of a person getting shot or from a different angle
  • One of the main characters transforms at the beginning of the series and stabs someone. However, he doesn't die
  • The show is about a former assassin who becomes good and starts fighting criminals for money. He never kills any of these people however. And his former assassin's group is hunting him down, but there are never any bloody fights between them