Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)
Benedict Cumberbatch: Doctor Strange
Doctor Strange : Do you know a Peter Parker who's Spider-Man?
Otto Octavius : Yes.
Doctor Strange : [points to Peter] Is that him?
Otto Octavius : No.
[Peter arrives at the Sanctum Sanctorum]
Doctor Strange : So, Peter... to what do I owe the pleasure?
Peter Parker : I'm sorry to bother you, sir.
Doctor Strange : Please. We've saved half the universe together. I think we're beyond you calling me "sir".
[conjures flames in a fireplace]
Peter Parker : Okay. Stephen...
Doctor Strange : [beat] That feels weird, but I'll allow it.
Peter Parker : [after Strange uses a dimensional gateway to confront Peter Parker] Strange, wait! We're so close!
Doctor Strange : [furious] Zip it! I've been dangling over the Grand Canyon for twelve hours!
Peter Parker : I know, I know, I'm sorry about that, sir.
Peter Parker : You went to the Grand Canyon?
Peter Parker : [referring to Peter 1] He could have used your help!
[Strange is completely baffled by the appearance of the other Parkers]
Peter Parker : No no, it's OK. These are my friends. This is Peter Parker and this is Peter Parker. He's Spiderman, he's Spiderman. They're mes from other universes. This is the wizard I was telling you about.
Doctor Strange : [to Peter] The problem is you trying to live two different lives. The longer you do it, the more dangerous it becomes!
Doctor Strange : Be careful what you wish for, Parker.
Otto Octavius : You're flying out into the darkness to fight ghosts.
Peter Parker : What do you mean?
Doctor Strange : They all die fighting Spider-Man. It's their fate. I'm sorry, kid.
Peter Parker : Yeah, me too.
Doctor Strange : When you botched that spell, where you wanted everyone to forget that Peter Parker is Spider-Man, we started getting some visitors from every universe.
Spider-Man : Listen, let's just focus on the good news, okay?
Doctor Strange : No, let's just focus on the bad news. As of now, you have detected zero multiversal trespassers. So, get on your phones, scour the Internet, and Scooby-Doo this shit.
MJ : [laughs dryly] You're telling us what to do, even though it was your spell that got screwed up. Meaning that all of this is kind of your mess. You know, I know a couple of magic words myself, starting with the word 'please'.
Doctor Strange : Please, Scooby-Doo this shit.
Spider-Man : Wait a minute. Is that an Archimedean spiral? The Mirror Dimension is just geometry? You're great at geometry! You can do geometry!
Spider-Man : Square the radius... divide by pi... at flat points along the curve...
Doctor Strange : It's over, Parker. I'll come pick you up when it's done.
Spider-Man : Hey, Strange! You know what's cooler than magic?
Spider-Man : Math!
Peter Parker : Cast a new spell, only this time, make everyone forget who Peter Parker is. Make everyone forget... me.
Doctor Strange : No.
Peter Parker : But it would work, right?
Doctor Strange : Yeah it would work. But you gotta understand, that would mean everyone who knows and loves you, we... we'd have no memory of you. It would be as though you never existed.
Peter Parker : I know. Do it.
Doctor Strange : You'd better go and say your goodbyes, you don't have long.
Peter Parker : Thank you, sir.
Doctor Strange : Call me Stephen.
Peter Parker : Thank you, Stephen.
Doctor Strange : [chuckles] Yeah. Still feels weird.
Peter Parker : [smiles and leaves] I'll see you around.
Doctor Strange : [emotional] So long, kid.
Spider-Man : [interrupts the spell again] Happy!
Doctor Strange : No, I am annoyed.
Doctor Strange : So, Peter... To what do I owe the pleasure?
Peter Parker : Right. Umm... I'm really sorry to bother you, sir, but...
Doctor Strange : Please. We saved half the universe together. I think we're beyond calling me sir.
Peter Parker : Okay, uhh... Stephen.
Doctor Strange : That feels weird, but I'll allow it.
Peter Parker : When... When Mysterio revealed my identity... My entire life got screwed up, and... I was wondering, I mean, I don't even know if this would actually work, but I was wondering if... Maybe you could go back in time and make it so that he never did?
Doctor Strange : Peter... we tampered with the stability of space-time to resurrect countless lives. You wanna do it again now just because yours got messy?
Peter Parker : This isn't... it's not about me. I mean, this is really hurting a lot of people. My... My Aunt May, Happy... My best friend, my girlfriend, their futures are ruined just because they know me, and... They've done nothing wrong.
Doctor Strange : I am so sorry, but... even if I wanted to... I don't have the Time Stone anymore.
Peter Parker : That's right. I'm really sorry if I... wasted your time.
Doctor Strange : You didn't...
Peter Parker : Just forget about it
Wong : He will. He's really good at forgetting things.
Doctor Strange : Wong. You've actually generated a good idea.
Wong : What? ?...
Doctor Strange : The runes of Cafkal.
Peter Parker : The runes of Cafkal?
Doctor Strange : Oh, it's just a standard spell of forgetting. Won't turn back time, but at least people will forget that you were ever Spider-Man.
Peter Parker : Seriously?
Wong : No. Not seriously. That spell travels the dark borders between known and unknown reality. It's too dangerous.
Doctor Strange : God, we've used it for a lot less. Do you remember the full moon party in Kamar-Taj?
Wong : No.
Doctor Strange : Exactly. Come on. Wong. Hasn't he been through enough?
Wong : Just leave me out of this.
Doctor Strange : Fine.
Wong : Fine.
Peter Parker : [to two people shoveling snow inside the Sanctum Sanctorium] Um, hi! Hi? I'm, uh...
Wong : [coming through a gateway portal] The most famous person in the world, I know. Wong. Try not to slip. We don't have liability insurance.
Peter Parker : Is all this for a holiday party?
Wong : No. One of the rotunda gateways connects to Siberia. Blizzard blasted through.
Doctor Strange : [levitating downstairs] Because someone forgot to cast a maintenance spell to keep the seals tight.
Wong : That's right. He did. Because he forgot I now have higher duties.
Doctor Strange : Higher duties?
Wong : The Sorcerer Supreme has high duties, yes.
Peter Parker : Wait, I thought you were the Sorcerer Supreme?
Doctor Strange : No. He got it on a technicality 'cause I Blipped for five years.
Peter Parker : Oh, well, congratulations.
Doctor Strange : If I'd been here, then I...
Wong : Would burn the place down.
[to the two shovelers]
Wong : You two, no one said stop shoveling.
Doctor Strange : When I complete the proper ritual, it'll reverse the spell and send these guys back.
Otto Octavius : And then what? We perish?
Max Dillon : Nah, no thanks. I'll pass on that.
Wong : Strange, don't cast that spell!
Doctor Strange : Fine. I won't.
Doctor Strange : This is why I don't have kids!
Spider-Man : What is this place?
Doctor Strange : The Mirror Dimension. Where I'm in control.
[Doctor Strange theme plays]
Doctor Strange : They're starting to come through, and I can't stop them.
Doctor Strange : The entire world is about to forget about that Peter Parker is Spider-Man.
Peter Parker : Wait, everyone? Can't some people still know?
Doctor Strange : That's not how the spell works.
Peter Parker : So MJ's gonna forget about everything we've ever been through.
Doctor Strange : Stop tampering with the spell.