- Paddington: Mrs Brown says that in London everyone is different, and that means anyone can fit in. I think she must be right - because although I don't look like anyone else, I really do feel at home. I'll never be like other people, but that's alright, because I'm a bear. A bear called Paddington.
- Aunt Lucy: You once, there was once a war in the explorer's country. People in England sent their children by train with labels around their necks, so they could be taken care of by complete strangers in the country side where it was safe. They will not have forgotten how to treat strangers.
- Mrs. Bird: You just don't get it, do you?
- Henry Brown: What?
- Mrs. Bird: This family needed that wee bear every bit as much as he needed you. There. Said my piece.
- [walks away]
- Paddington: [Henry Brown is brushing his teeth with the toothbrush Paddington got his earwax on the day before] Um, you're not using those ear brushes to clean your mouth are you, Mr Brown?
- Henry Brown: Hello?
- Mr. Curry: Good evening. This is an anonymous phone call.
- Henry Brown: Oh hello Mr. Curry.
- Mr. Curry: It's not Mr. Curry! It's Mr. Burry. I have some news concerning the bear.
- Henry Brown: What? What do you mean?
- Mary Brown: Who is it Henry?
- Henry Brown: It'd Mr. Curry doing a silly voice.
- Mr. Curry: It's Burry!
- Henry Brown: He says Paddington's been kidnapped!
- Mary Brown: He's about three foot six, he's got a bright red hat on, and a blue duffel coat... and he's a bear.
- Policeman: Its not much to go on.
- Mary Brown: Really?
- Mary Brown: Oh, look, Henry. It's perfect!
- [Paddington is holding a squeezy tomato ketchup bottle]
- Henry Brown: You want to call him Ketchup?
- Mary Brown: What?
- Henry Brown: Ketchup The Bear?
- [Mary is looking at the "Paddington" station sign]
- Mary Brown: No. Paddington!
- Judy Brown: Paddington?
- Paddington: Paddington?... Pa... dding... ton.
- Mary Brown: [Henry and Mary come off the motorbike into the hospital, Mary is heavily pregnant with Judy] Not going to let this change us, right?
- Henry Brown: No way, baby!
- [they do a high-five]
- Paddington: Dear Aunt Lucy. I'm sorry I haven't written sooner but so much has been happening. I even met the explorer's daughter, but she tried to stuff me, so Mrs. Bird threw her off a roof. Millicent Clyde. The Judge didn't think that prison would do her any good. So instead he gave her community service...
- Millicent: No Please! Anything! Anything but that!
- Paddington: In the petting zoo.
- Mr. Curry: Ms. Clyde.
- Millicent: Mr. Curry, what do you want?
- Mr. Curry: [Hold up a bouquet of wilted flowers] I found these tied to a lamp post, and I figured waste not, want not.
- [gives them to Millicent]
- Millicent: Charming, now if you excuse me.
- Mr. Curry: [noticing Millicent's taxidermist van] Um... Where exactly are you going?
- Millicent: what concern of it is yours?
- Mr. Curry: You got there bear, in there.
- [pointing at the van]
- Millicent: and...
- Mr. Curry: It just... I thought you were sending him to Peru. But...
- Millicent: I said, I was sending him where he belongs and in his case, is the natural history museum.
- Mr. Curry: But Honey pot, that is barbaric.
- Millicent: Mr. Curry I am not your honey pot, I never was.
- Mr. Curry: what?
- Millicent: [Shoves Mr.Currys flowers back to him] Now take your rotten flowers and get out of here. Go.
- [Mr. Curry timidly backs away slowly]
- Millicent: ARF!
- [Curry runs away]
- Henry Brown: Paddington! Up here!
- Paddington: [waking from a tranquilizer stupor] Is that you, God?
- Henry Brown: What?
- Paddington: It's just you sound a lot more like Mr. Brown than I imagined.
- Henry Brown: It is Mr. Brown!
- Paddington: [seeing him outside the window] Mr. Brown! What are you doing out there?
- Henry Brown: We've come to rescue you!
- Paddington: You have?
- Henry Brown: Mr. Curry explained everything. I'm so sorry I didn't believe you.
- Joe: [Being hanged by Millicent Clyde] It's not even a code. It's more a set of guidelines than a binding ethos.
- Millicent: Come on, hand over the bear.
- Mary Brown: No. We won't do that.
- Paddington: Mrs. Brown?
- Mary Brown: He's family.
- Millicent: Family? You're not even the same species.
- Paddington: It's true.
- Henry Brown: It is true. And when I first met Paddington, I wanted nothing to do with him. But my wonderful wife... she opened her heart to him, and so did my incredible children. And now I have, too.
- Mary Brown: Henry.
- Henry Brown: It doesn't matter that he comes from the other side of the world, or that he's a different species. Or that he has a worrying marmalade habit. We love Paddington. And that makes him family! And families stick together! So if you want him, you'll have to take us all!
- Millicent: Okay, then.
- Henry Brown: Paddington, please don't take this the wrong way, but are you certain there was an explorer? You didn't just find a hat and make up some...
- [Paddington glowers at him]
- Henry Brown: What? Why are you looking at me like that? Is it me or is it hot in here? Why do I feel so...
- Paddington: Uncomfortable?
- Henry Brown: Mmm.
- Paddington: Flushed?
- Henry Brown: Mmm.
- Paddington: Queasy?
- Henry Brown: Mmm.
- Paddington: [stopping] It's called a hard stare. My aunt taught me to do them when people had forgotten their manners.
- Paddington: [after accidentally causing a fire] But it wasn't my fault.
- Henry Brown: Who else was in the house? The front door was still locked.
- Paddington: There was an elephant.
- Judy Brown: An elephant?
- Jonathan Brown: What?
- Paddington: Well, it had the head of an elephant and the body of a snake, but it tried to shoot me!
- Mrs. Bird: Have you been drinking salt water?
- Paddington: No.
- Mary Brown: Paddington, why don't you tell us what really happened?
- Paddington: What?
- Mary Brown: We won't be cross.
- Henry Brown: Speak for yourself.
- Paddington: Mrs. Brown, you must believe me. I would never lie to you.
- Mr. Curry: Honeypot, this is Fierce Eagle.
- Millicent: What?
- Mr. Curry: It's Mr. Curry. I don't know if you recall, but I did suggest that we adopt code names. You are Honeypot...
- Millicent: Yes. Yes, of course.
- Mr. Curry: ...and I am Fierce Eagle.
- Millicent: Do you actually have anything to report, Fierce, um...?
- Mr. Curry: Eagle.
- Millicent: Eagle.
- Mr. Curry: Affirmative. The Furry Menace is home alone. I repeat, the Furry Menace is home alone.
- Millicent: Welcome to your new home, bear. This is a cathedral of knowledge. Every major explorer has added to its glory. Charles Darwin brought the giant tortoise from the Galapagos.
- Paddington: [passing by animal exhibits] Good evening.
- Millicent: Captain Scott, the emperor penguin from Antarctica.
- Paddington: Gentlemen.
- Millicent: Captain Cook, the kangaroo from Australia.
- Paddington: G'day.
- Millicent: Each of these men has been immortalized through his finds. But do you see anything from my father? No. Because when he met your oh, so precious species, he refused to collect a specimen. We could have been rich and famous. But instead, he threw it all away and he opened a petting zoo. He put the happiness of a few furry creatures above his own flesh and blood. I vowed that one day I would finish the job my father never could. And now, at last, that day has come.
- [unveiling a glass case]
- Millicent: That's right! I'm going to stuff you, bear.
- [gasping he fear, he tries to run away, but she shoots him with a tranquilizer dart]
- Paddington: [falling unconscious] Ow!
- [Uncle Pastuzo puts on his hat, not realising it is full of marmalade which drips down his face]
- Uncle Pastuzo: Embarrassing... but very tasty.
- Jonathan Brown: Where's Paddington?
- Henry Brown: I don't know.
- Judy Brown: Sh! I can hear something.
- Henry Brown: [hearing noises from a nearby wall] That's just the pipes.
- Judy Brown: That's not pipes, that's bear.
- [she growls and, hearing her, Paddington growls in response]
- Judy Brown: He's going for the roof.
- Judy Brown: [trying to rescue Paddington] It's locked. What do we do now?
- Henry Brown: I know.
- Mary Brown: [he opens a window to the ledge outside] Henry! Henry, do not go out there!
- Jonathan Brown: Do it, Dad.
- Henry Brown: Someone has to. And that someone is me.
- Henry Brown: Oh.
- [he grabs her]
- Henry Brown: Oh, I say!
- [he gives her a dramatically passionate kiss]
- Henry Brown: My hero.
- Henry Brown: Hi, big fella. What's cooking?
- Paddington: Marmalade, Mr. Brown. Go on, have a taste.
- Henry Brown: [tasting a bit] Mm, delicious.
- Paddington: And just one sandwich contains all the vitamins and minerals a bear needs for the whole day.
- Jonathan Brown: So does that mean I don't have to eat vegetables?
- Mrs. Bird: He said "bear," not "boy."
- Paddington: Sorry, Jonathan.
- Barry: [Mr. Brown sneaks into the Geographer's Guild disguised as a female housekeeper] Haven't seen you before, have I?
- Henry Brown: No, that's right. I'm new.
- Barry: Mmm, thought so. Lovely day, innit?
- Henry Brown: Unusually hot.
- Barry: Mmm. Just like you.
- Jonathan Brown: [Henry and Paddington retrieve an 8mm film from the Geographer's Guild] So you actually broke in, Dad?
- Henry Brown: That's right.
- Mary Brown: Well, it sounds incredibly brave, Henry.
- Henry Brown: Well, you know, there's a time for being boring and annoying and there's a time for being a man.
- Paddington: Mr. Brown dressed up as a lady and someone stuck pins in him.
- Judy Brown: What?
- Henry Brown: Oh, look, it's starting.
- Mary Brown: Sorry. What was that?
- Henry Brown: Doesn't matter.
- Jonathan Brown: In a dress?
- Henry Brown: No! Did look like a dress. It was more of a housecoat. It was quite liberating, actually.
- Paddington: I'm looking for Montgomery Clyde.
- Millicent: Well, that's my father.
- Paddington: The... the explorer Montgomery Clyde?
- Millicent: That's right. Come on in out of the cold. I'll be right down.
- Paddington: Oh. Oh, thank you. Thank you!
- [entering the house]
- Paddington: Is Captain Clyde at home?
- Millicent: I'm afraid not. You see, my father is dead.
- Paddington: Oh. Oh, dear.
- Millicent: What did you want from him?
- Paddington: He once told my aunt that if ever we came to London, we'd be welcome. And I suppose I hoped he might give me a home.
- Millicent: Oh, but I can do that.
- Paddington: You can?
- Millicent: Of course. A lovely specimen like you shouldn't be out on the streets. You belong somewhere very special. And I know just the place.
- Barry: Oi! New girl.
- Henry Brown: Is there a problem?
- Barry: Forgot to check your pass.
- Henry Brown: My p... oh, my pass. Yes.
- [searching the pockets of his coat]
- Henry Brown: Ah!
- [seeing the ID]
- Henry Brown: Ooh. It's an old photograph.
- Barry: [taking it] I'm sure you've always been a... whoa. You've changed a bit.
- Henry Brown: I lost a lot of weight.
- Barry: Telling me. And the, uh...
- [indicating a blemish that's supposed to be on his cheek]
- Henry Brown: I had it lasered.
- Barry: Oh. And the arm's grown back.
- Henry Brown: It's a false arm.
- Barry: [sticking his arm with the badge's pin] You really can't feel a thing?
- [Henry shakes his head]
- Barry: Huh.
- Henry Brown: [Barry sticks the ID into his shoulder] Nothing.
- Barry: Amazing. Well, I'm just off to the toilet. See you in a bit.
- [as Barry leaves, Henry pulls the badge off, groaning in pain]