Burlesque (I) (2010)
Eric Dane: Marcus
Ali Rose : Oh wow... L.A. looks gorgeous from up here.
Marcus : That view cost me three times what the house did. See that strip mall down there?
Ali Rose : You own that too?
Marcus : No. I own everything above it.
Ali Rose : There is nothing above it.
Marcus : Exactly.
Ali Rose : [sardonically] So you own air.
Marcus : Air rights. The guy that owns the strip mall ran into some money issues, almost had to sell. Whoever he sold it to would've put up a huge tower. So I bought the air rights. Now, no one can ever build above one storey.
Ali Rose : Well, aren't you clever.
Marcus : Mall guy gets to keep his property, I get to keep the second best view in L.A.
Ali Rose : What's the first?
Marcus : [gazes silently and steadily at Ali, while sipping wine]
Ali Rose : [rolls eyes] Ugh... How many girls have you used that line on?
Marcus : None ever who called me on it.
Marcus : Remember, you got that balloon payment due on the first.
Tess : [annoyed, to Vince] Did you also tell him I have a tattoo on my ass?
Vince : [earnestly] No... it's business.
Marcus : I don't think you're gonna get another opportunity like this. So take it.
Tess : [after some contemplation, then firmly] No.
Vince : [quickly, to Marcus] She means not now.
Tess : No, no. "Not now" means not now, Vince. "No" means no. Marcus, I don't care what you're offering. My club is not for sale.