Blooregard "Bloo" Q. Kazoo: [while at a swap meet, Bloo has his eyes on a mongoose versus cobra statue] Mac, are you seeing this? It's perfect! Mac, are you seeing this? It's perfect!
Mac: [looks at the statue] Perfectly disgusting.
Blooregard "Bloo" Q. Kazoo: [to the vendor] Hey, how much for the mongoose-cobra-thingy?
Strange vendor: Oh, that? That one's... free.
Blooregard "Bloo" Q. Kazoo: Free? Ha-ha! Yes!
[he takes the statue and starts walking away]
Strange vendor: [stopping Bloo] Da-da-da-da-da-ra. THREE hundred dollars.
Mac: For that? But it's so gross!
Strange vendor: Regardless, it is still three hundred.
Mac: Ugh! Come on, Bloo.
Blooregard "Bloo" Q. Kazoo: My good man, unlike my primitive uncultured Neanderthal companion here, I am a connoisseur of the finer things in life. So I can most certainly appreciate the intrinsic value of a true piece of high art such as this. But sir, I implore you, THREE HUNDRED? WHAT DO YOU TAKE ME FOR?
Strange vendor: Take you for... okay, deal. Four hundred.
Blooregard "Bloo" Q. Kazoo: [scowls] RIP-OFF ARTIS...
Mac: No, not again!