Joker: Folie à Deux (2024)
Harry Lawtey: Harvey Dent
Harvey Dent : Good morning, Mr. Puddles. Thank you for being here. So one last question, sir. The person who you saw stab Randall Kleinmanhoffer to death, are they in this courtroom today?
Gary Puddles : Yes.
Harvey Dent : Can you point them out to all of us? And... describe his clothing?
[Gary points to Arthur]
Gary Puddles : He's sitting right there at the table. Wearing a red suit and clown makeup.
Harvey Dent : May the record reflect the identification of the accused, Your Honor?
Judge Herman Rothwax : Yes, it will.
Harvey Dent : Nothing further, Your Honor.
Judge Herman Rothwax : Your witness, Mr. Fleck.
Arthur Fleck : [speaking in a Southern accent draw] Mr. Puddles. Gary Puddles? Tell me, sir, is that your God given name?
Gary Puddles : Yes.
Arthur Fleck : Really? Really? Your last name is Puddles? Why, it sounds like a... a joke.
Gary Puddles : Well, it's not.
Arthur Fleck : You expect us to believe that you were last name is Puddles? Puddles?
Judge Herman Rothwax : Mr. Fleck, where is this going? As I said, I'm not gonna let you turn my courtroom into a circus.
Arthur Fleck : Okay. But with all due respect, Your Honor, don't you think it's a little late for that?
Judge Herman Rothwax : Don't try my patience.
Arthur Fleck : Okay. Okay. Mr. Puddles, earlier this afternoon you testified that you saw me stab Mr. Kliman Manhoff in the neck a couple of times. Correct?
Gary Puddles : Kleinmanhoffer. Yes, I saw you.
Arthur Fleck : And what else did you see that day?
Gary Puddles : You stabbing him in the eye, and bashing his head into the wall, many, many times.
Arthur Fleck : Yes, but Randall was a bit of a bully, wasn't he?
Gary Puddles : He didn't deserve to die.
Arthur Fleck : I don't know. Never mind. Gary, did you catch my act on the Murray Franklin Show later that night?
Gary Puddles : No, I didn't.
Arthur Fleck : No? Might I remind you that you are under oath?
Gary Puddles : I was locked up at the police station. In an interview room. Cause they thought you might come and kill me. I was the only witness. They kept me in there all night
Arthur Fleck : Isn't that convenient, Mr. Puddles? That you didn't see the show, you didn't see anything I had to say, I can't believe it!
Judge Herman Rothwax : Mr. Fleck.
Arthur Fleck : Okay. When you were in my mamas apartment, God rest her soul, when is you say you saw me bash Mr. Klannonmen-- whatever's -- head into the wall, many, many times, did I seem crazy to you? Did I seem like a different person? Or was I the same old Joker that I always been?
Gary Puddles : Arthur, don't do this to yourself, it isn't you.
Arthur Fleck : It isn't me? So you don't think this is me? Well, maybe... maybe.. you don't know who I really was.
Gary Puddles : I never saw that side of you.
Arthur Fleck : Well, maybe you weren't looking. Maybe no one was. Because nobody knew I existed. But look around, look at these people. Everyone outside. These cameras. Who do you think they see, Mr. Puddles?
Gary Puddles : Joker.
Arthur Fleck : Oh, sweet child what you have proven here today, is that you are no different than any of those people that underestimated me. From Murray Franklin, to those goddamn fat, stupid guards at Arkham. They think that they can treat me like trash. But I will no longer allow you, or you, or you, or any of you to keep me down. I am free!
[the crowd cheers]
Gary Puddles : Why are you doing this to me, Arthur?
Arthur Fleck : What? Gary, I like you. I told you I wouldn't hurt you, and I didn't.
Gary Puddles : Not hurt me? I couldn't go back to work. I still can't sleep and I'm scared all the time. I never used to be scared. I'm scared right now, here. With you in front of me. I couldn't do anything that day. I felt so small. I was reminded how powerless I really am.
Arthur Fleck : You got a flare for the dramatic. You're tugging at my heart strings, little Gary. No more questions, Your Honor.
Gary Puddles : Do you know what that feels like, Arthur?
[Arthur curses under his breath]
Gary Puddles : You we're the only one at work who never made fun of me. You were the only one that was nice to me.