Another viewer wrote "you can't miss with Nick Offerman"; alas, this show is proof positive that you can.
Despite the rather feeble attempt to repurpose Offerman's Parks and Rec character for this animated series, his charm is simply no match for the painfully unfunny writing, inane characters, and transparent attempt to cram as much diversity into one family as possible.
While Fox clearly wants to hold onto its animation domination title, this offering is not going to help them do it.
Like seemingly 90% of what is coming out of the entertainment industry these days, this series comes across as contrived and preachy.
Until creators focus on storytelling again, rather than ticking off all the Leftist requirements for shows and movies, people will continue to tune out of these hard to watch disasters.
Seriously, the Hindenburg tragedy has gotten more laughs out of people than this show generates.
There is simply nothing to like about The Great North:
- You don't care about the characters because they are not likable.
- You can't enjoy the plot because its hackneyed and saccharin.
- You can't get excited about the animation because it is so unoriginal that it is indistinguishable from existing shows.
A truly shameful offering with no redeemable qualities.