• Moderate
  • Multiple scenes of martial arts fighting. Some are brief and mild, but others may seem brutal and intense. None contain blood and/or excessively graphic blows.
  • A teenager pushes another boy to the ground, prompting him to react, then kicks him repeatedly.
  • A teenager is humiliated twice by another boy, and is afraid of reacting, as he had been beaten once by the same boy.
  • A young boy is chased and tracked down by a group of boys, that eventually catch him. While two immobilize him, one kicks him repeatedly in the stomach. An adult stops the fight and is attacked by the teens. He eventually defeats them, after a spectacular martial arts combat. Moderate; no blood, but one character is injured.
  • A kung-fu teacher preaches to-the-end combat and says one should have no mercy for his opponent, but Mr. Han clearly discourages this.
  • Mr. Han smashes his own automobile.
  • During the final kung-fu open tournament, there are various instances of hard contact during the various spectacular fights. A teen has his leg severed, but continue to fight; there is a closeup of the severed leg; opponents are knocked down and brutally hit, even after being down and having given up; a man tells a teenager to broke his opponent leg, he does so, the his opponent continue fighting and defeat him.