Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends (TV Series)
Squeeze the Day (2006)
Keith Ferguson: Bloo
Weather Forecaster : As a cold front sweeps in, you can expect showers in Spokane.
Blooregard "Bloo" Q. Kazoo : Showers in Spokane. Spooo-Caaaahhhnn.
Weather Forecaster : Temperatures are up there, and it's hot in Topeka.
Blooregard "Bloo" Q. Kazoo : It's hoooooooot in Toooooo-peeeee-kaaaaaaahhhh. It's hot. Hot hot. Hot hot hot. Haawwwwt.
[breathes out]
Blooregard "Bloo" Q. Kazoo : Hot! Hot! Hot-it hot hot hot! It's hot in Topeka! Toe-peaker. I'm a toe-pick. I'm a hot toe-picker. Pick my toe, it's hot! Pick my hot toe, pick it! Topeka's hot, my toe is hot, pick it. It's hot in Topeka. It's hot! It's hot! It's hoooot! It's hot in, it's hot in, it's hot in Topeka!
Blooregard "Bloo" Q. Kazoo : Topeka.
Blooregard "Bloo" Q. Kazoo : Wait a minute! Never-Leave Steve never leaves! WHERE IS EVERYBODY?