• Severe
  • There are several fairly gruesome scenes and a fair amount of blood. People get stabbed, shot, and beaten, and although not all deaths are graphic, the majority of them are intense.
  • A young man kills another man by cutting his face in half, pulling a blade in his jaw (very graphic).
  • A man's severed head is seen on video.
  • A man is seen frozen with a gun in his hand; it is revealed a few seconds later that he shot and killed his wife and son and had planned to shoot himself.
  • A man is found starving to death in a locked room. He has visible signs of PTSD and he shoves one man away from him so that he can lock himself back in the room and hide.
  • A common statement made in the film is that members of the colony, when sick, can either be shot outside, or be forced into exile to freeze to death in the snow.
  • There is a theme of cannibalism in the movie. The cannibals are seen butchering people's bodies, tearing their limbs apart, eating body parts, etc.