62 of 147 found this mild
Sex scene with silhouettes showing a man disrobing a woman, passionately kissing, then picking her up for heavily implied sex. Graphic kissing scenes show explicit tonguing action between a man & a woman.
Brief scene of a man singing in front of a mirror in underwear.
The slight tip of a man's buttock's crack is briefly glimpsed when a fur skin falls from his shoulders.
There are a few instances of men in their underwear in episode 2.
Rhett pees against the side of a police cruiser while drunk in episode 3.
S2E1 Women in bikinis running out of a tent.
S1E2 A man and woman are seen in bed after assumed sex. No nudity is shown though.
Male rear end nudity getting out of bed S2E3.
11 of 18 found this moderate
Two men are involved in a punch up, with one man being quite severely beaten. The beating is not shown, just the man beating the other man, but leaves nothing to the imagination. It is a fairly violent scene.
A woman carves a symbol into her own chest with a knife.
In a flashback, one kid repeatedly punches another in the face. A grown woman threatens to cut a kid's tongue out with "big sharp scissors."
A person shoots a bear in the head. It doesn't die immediately but rather moans in pain for a while and tries to crawl away before she shoots it again.
A character carves a symbol on another character's chest with a knife.
17 of 36 found this moderate
GD and 'Christ'
The "F" word is used.
8 of 14 found this moderate
There is a lot of alcohol consumed with a few of the characters getting drunk in some of the episodes. No drugs but one character who smokes.
Several characters are noticeably using chewing tobacco.
17 of 25 found this mild
There is a fight out the bar, where a man dies
A character tells a story about their childhood violent encounter with racist and homophobic adults. It's short and non-graphic, but could be disturbing.