70 of 142 found this mild
S1 E1 The side of a woman's breast is seen when she's in the shower. Upper back and side breast only.
Throughout S2 a painting is shown multiple times that shows a female's nude breast.
A woman at an art gallery is wearing a jacket that nearly shows everything on top.
S3 Mild to moderate cleavage is shown throughout.
A character tells that she will be fingered by her cousins(jokingly)
S1,a character tells Mabel that she is going to be fingered by her cousins, for humour only.
In S2, character thinks that he has kissed his half sister,for humour only.
In S3 a mother and son kiss on their lips multiple times, for humour.
In S3 it is revealed that a character was breastfeeding her son till he was 8 years old,for humour.
S2 kiss between two women.
53 of 83 found this moderate
Mabel dreams that she is repeatedly stabbing a man with a knitting needle. His blood sprays.
A character is seen dead with a large head wound in a pool of blood. Some splatter is also seen on the wall.
68 of 129 found this severe
The f word is used frequently. Two middle fingers, although brief.
Many F words in every episode. Profanity is worse in second Season. Gd in first 5 minutes!
One use of the C word in S2 E6.
Using Jesus's name as swear word.
The ABC version is heavily censored cutting most if not all swears to gather a TV-PG/TV-14 age rating.
57 of 77 found this mild
Lots of smoking and drinking. Misuse of drugs(pills). Moderate.
In S3E5 two characters share a joint; there is also discussion about marijuana.
45 of 68 found this mild
The actual plot of the series isn't as serious as it may seem and takes on a more comedic tone than darker one. However, some scenes may be more shocking and intense than others. Intense scenes.