18 of 33 found this to have none
Not appropriate constant love and romance talk such as babe is used the whole time
It is implied that zac tries to order a stripper at a bachelor party, he says the title of the ad said, "get wild with coco" and it turns out it was really a guy in a panda suite, this would fly over younger audiences heads.
Sexual references and mild language.
Lot of subtle sexual references.
Mild kissing in some episodes.
Marcus sees Zack naked in the bathroom. (nothing shown)
Zack and Cody talk about puberty and mention about their pubic hair.
Mrs. Tutwieller is hopeless romantic.
Cody is shirtless in a hot tub.
It is implied that Woody has seen Cody naked.
13 of 16 found this to have none
Some pranks and pratfalls, but there's no mistaking that they're strictly for laughs.
Some episodes can have violence, including skeletons and near-deaths.
EXAMPLES: Lost at Sea, Starship Tipton, Das Boots, Twister.
15 of 19 found this to have none
In one episode, Mr. Moseby seems to swear, but is bleeped out by the ships fog horn.
Close calls to profanity (''What the fffffeathers?'')
In one episode, whenever a bell rings everybody must be silent. Cody says, "And you two clown fu-" but then the bell rings. It sounds like he would have said the f-word. Zack says, "and high school you can kiss my..." his teacher pushes him out of the way before he could finish.
15 of 17 found this to have none
13 of 18 found this to have none
The episode Starship Tipton is especially frightening, as it has aliens wanting to kill all humans.
This episode also has a robot's fake face being torn off.
And when the aliens are revealed to be tiny and harmless the main characters start to squash them mercilessly, despite the advantages of taking them prisoner and using them as hostages in prevent the ship from being fired upon again.