During this year, Cartoon Network released another chapter of Infinity Train, this time focusing on the characters Grace & Simon from the previous chapter. Despite getting highly positive feedback, the series plopped on HBO Max not long before the series was allegedly cancelled due to crew layoffs. Which is a shame, because in my opinion, this might be the deepest chapter in the series for its much darker tone and even more complex characters.
The series focuses on the leaders of the Apex Car, Grace & Simon, who get lost and must get back to their car, but meet a young girl named Hazel and her gorilla mother Tuba, and all sorts of mayhem ensue. As the series is known for spiriting passengers away from their homes, this season takes a backseat to leads who have lived in the train for some time, thus having grown toxic mindsets and trauma being with each other for so long. Given that Grace & Simon were portrayed as antagonists in the previous chapter, their philosophy on operating their own lives outside of the train's main function guides them through their journey. It really isn't until they go further to the Apex with Hazel and Tuba where their inner fears and dilemmas become challenged by greater forces beyond their control.
Because Grace and Simon have their own established relationship based on each other's strengths and weaknesses, their journey focuses on said friendship unraveling through secrets they discover on the train. Whether it'd be trying to watch over Hazel or remembering their tragic pasts, they end up having to grow past those low points, and let's just say the two choose completely different directions. Since this season's mystery has to do with who the real conductor is and other experiences, the train's world building becomes more entangled in the darker situations related to how the train functions in the first place. Without spoiling the season's ending, let's just say that what happens to Grace, Simon and especially Hazel has to do with the creepiest revelations ever shared about the train.
Unfortunately, as intriguing as these revelations in Infinity Train are, the fate of these complex plot and character details rests on this season being a success. With this season indicating how potential future books could fully embrace further pathways around more stories, here's hoping fans and viewers alike can share their love of the series across the board so that it can go full steam ahead. If this season really takes off, here's hoping for more great installments in this wonderful show.