Frightening & Intense Scenes (6)

  • Moderate
  • A scene includes a homeless man getting infected and killed by a blue Symbiote; the Symbiote enters the inside of his body, then enters back through the man's stomach, said to be eating his insides, lastly, the Symbiote slides out the dead man's mouth. (This scene was shown in the trailers)
  • When the symbiote takes over a body, the body starts "deforming", it happens a few times.
  • Venom's parasitic symbiotic forms out of Eddie's stomach and speaks to him.
  • Venom tries to eat a police officer, but this part is meant to be humorous when Eddie orders him not to. Venom is interrupted and puts him down.
  • Venom's voice is deep and menacing, although he does have a sense of humor, as he sometimes eats people for laughs. He is usually displayed as a hero in the movie.
  • A Symbiote infected women suddenly jumps on a glass door. She screams and thrashes about. She pleads to let her out. When she is let out she screams and attacks Eddie.