Kung Fu Panda 2 (2011) Poster

Jack Black: Po



  • Po : [stares up a long passage]  Ah. My old enemy... stairs!

  • Soothsayer : Your story may not have such a happy beginning, but that doesn't make you who you are. It is the rest of your story, who you *choose* to be. So, who are you, panda?

    Po : [determined]  I am Po. And I'm gonna need a hat.

  • Shen : How did you find peace? I took away your parents! Everything! I scarred you for life!

    Po : See, that's the thing, Shen. Scars heal.

    Shen : No they don't. *Wounds* heal.

    Po : Oh, yeah. What do scars do? They fade, I guess?

    Shen : I don't *care* what scars do!

    Po : You should, Shen. You gotta let go of that stuff from past, because it just doesn't matter! The only thing that matters is what you choose to be now.

    Shen : You're right. Then I choose *this*!

    [Shen attacks Po with his knives; they fight until Shen accidentally dislodges his destroyed cannon and is crushed by it] 

  • Po : My fist hungers for justice!

    [his stomach gurgles] 

    Po : That was my... fist.

  • Tigress : I hope this turns out better than your plan to cook rice in your stomach by eating it raw and then drinking boiling water...

    Po : This is nothing like that plan.

    Tigress : How?

    Po : Because this one is gonna work.

  • Tigress : Impressive, Dragon Warrior! What's your plan?

    Po : Step one, free the Five!

    Viper : What's step two?

    Po : Honestly, I didn't think I was gonna make it this far.

    Tigress : Po!

    Po : Uh, stop Shen before he gets to the harbor!

  • Po : [struggling to his knees]  I *have* to get to him.

    Tigress : [threateningly]  Then tell me why!

    Po : He was there, OK? The peacock was there the last time I saw my parents! He knows what happened... where I came from... who I am.

    [Tigress stares and opens her mouth slightly as her expression softens] 

    Po : Look, I'm going.

    [stands up] 

    Po : I have to know. The hard core can't understand.

    [Tigress frowns and lunges at Po] 

    Viper : Tigress, no!

    [Tigress hugs Po; Crane's jaw drops] 

    Tigress : [warmly]  The hard core *do* understand.

    [pulls away] 

    Tigress : But I can't watch my friend be killed.

    [to the others] 

    Tigress : We're going.

    Crane : Uh, maybe you can't watch *me* be killed?

    Tigress : [firmly]  Stop being a wimp.

    Monkey : And... she's back.

  • Shen : The only reason you are still alive is that I find your stupidity mildly amusing.

    Po : Well thank you, but I find your evilness extremely annoying!

    Shen : Who do you think you are, Panda?

    Po : Who do you think I am, Peacock?

    [both laugh for an extended time, each taking turns] 

    Po : Why are we laughing?

  • Shen : Greetings, panda. We meet at...

    Po : [interrupting]  Hey, how ya doin'?

    Shen : [flustered]  Eh - hey.

  • Po : They must be close. I can feel a Kung Fu chill riding up my spine.

    Viper : Sorry, Po. It's just me.

  • Po : Shen! A panda stands between you and your...

    [cut to Shen, who can barely hear Po say "destiny"] 

    Shen : WHAT?

    [cut back to Po] 

    Po : Prepare yourself for a hot...

    [cut again to Shen, who can still barely hear anything] 

    Shen : What?

  • Po : I threw up around the third floor, so you might want to clean that up. You guys got an evil janitor around here or something?

  • Monkey : At the first sign of trouble, I'll give you a signal. Ka-Ka! Kee-Kee!

    Po : You mean like Crane does?

    Monkey : Yeah.

    Crane : Excuse me? When have I ever made that noise?

  • Po : Dad, there's something you should know. While I was gone, I found the village where I was born. I found out how I ended up in that radish basket.

    Mr. Ping : You did?

    Po : I know who I am.

    Mr. Ping : [nervously]  You do?

    Po : ...I'm your son.

    Mr. Ping : Oh...

    Po : [picks him up and hugs him]  I love you, Dad.

    Mr. Ping : I love you too, son.

  • Mr. Ping : So, how did it go? Did you save China?

    Po : Yep.

    Mr. Ping : Well, I knew you would! That's why I had these signs made! "My son saved China - you too can save! Buy one dumpling, get one free!"

  • Shen : Are you willing to die to find the truth?

    Po : You bet I am...! Although, I'd prefer not to.

  • Po : I'm not freaking out, I'm freaking *in*.

  • Shifu : This could be the end of Kung Fu.

    Po : But I just got Kung Fu!

    Shifu : And now, you must *save* it!

  • Po : And now, to free the Five!

    [takes off his hat] 

    Po : Disc of Destruction!

    [He throws his hat... which doesn't go far and lands on a roof right in front of him] 

    Shen : Okay... take aim!

  • Po : How can kung fu stop something that stops kung fu?

  • Crane : [On seeing a poor person being mistreated by a wolf over cooking rice]  Po, do something.

    Po : How am I suppose to help her cook rice without getting caught?... Wait, I have a better idea!

  • Po : [Tigress catches him beating up the ship's mast]  Uh, I'm... training.

    Tigress : The mast is not a worthy opponent.

    [flips through the air and lands beside Po with her hand extended toward him] 

    Tigress : I am ready.

    Po : Okay. So serious...

  • Po : You! You're mine!

    Wolf Boss : I'll tell you what's gonna be yours. My fist in your plush cuddly, super soft face!

    [suddenly Monkey and Crane jump on the two wolf soldiers] 

    Wolf Boss : Uh-oh!

    [he runs away] 

    Po : Get him!

  • Wolf Boss : [to Po as they are surrounded by wolf soldiers]  Guess nobody told you, you mess with the wolf, you get the fangs!

    Wolf Boss : [he hits Po in the stomach]  I've hit you twice. What are you gonna do now?

    Po : [he looks undefeated at Wolf Boss but then suddenly shouts]  We surrender!

  • Crane : So that was stealth mode?

    Po : Yeah, to be honest, not one of my stronger modes.

  • Po : [determined]  I am Po... and I'm gonna need a hat.

  • Po : Nothing's unstoppable except for me when I'm stopping you from telling me something's unstoppable.

  • Po : I found out that my dad... isn't really my dad.

    Tigress : Your dad, the goose?

    [Po nods] 

    Tigress : [deadpan]  That must have been quite a shock.

  • [from trailer] 

    Po : Kung-fu staring contest! GO!

    [stares at the viewer for 16 seconds] 

    Po : You guys look amazing, by the way...

  • Po : Tell me what happened that night.

    Shen : What night?

    Po : THAT night!

    Shen : Oh, that night?

    Po : YES! We're talking about the same night, right?

  • [rushing off to save the Musicians' Village] 

    Tigress : No snack stops this time.

    Po : Ha-ha-ha! "Snack stops"!

    [scoffs, then follows her] 

    Po : Wait, are you serious?

  • Master Storming Ox : Like I said, you are not getting me out of this cell!

    [Sees that he and Croc are out of the cell] 

    Master Storming Ox : Oh.

    Po : Yes! Ha ha, woo-hoo! All right, let's go!

    Master Croc : [the Masters ignore Po and walk to another cell]  I get the top bunk.

  • Crane : [spotting the Wolf Boss]  Isn't that the guy who hammered you in the face?

    Po : I hate that guy.

  • Wolf Boss : [as they're fighting]  Is that all you got? 'Cause it feels like I'm fighting a big old fluffy cloud!

    Po : Well, this cloud is about bring the thunder!

  • Wolf Boss : [as they're fighting]  Is that all you got? Cause it feels like I'm fighting a big old floppy cloud!

    Po : Well this cloud is about bring a thunder!

  • Wolf Boss : [to Po as they are surrounded by wolf soldiers]  Guess nobody told you, you mess with the wolf, you get the fangs!

    [hits Po in the stomach] 

    Wolf Boss : I've hit you twice. What are you gonna do now?

    Po : [looks at Wolf Boss undefeated, but suddenly shouts]  WE SURRENDER!

  • Tigress : Po, the truth! You had Shen. What happened?

    Po : What are you talking about? What're you... I don't know, what are you talking about? Uh... Yeah! Ahh... He caught me off guard.

    Tigress : The truth.


    Tigress : Fine. They'll keep you far from danger.

    Master Croc : Real far.

    Po : What?

    Tigress : You're staying here.

    [she starts to leave Po] 

    Po : [catching up]  Wait! I have to go back..

    [Tigress growls while turns faster to Po, everyone was terrified and shocked] 

    Tigress : You're staying here!

    Po : I'm going, and you can't stop me! Okay, I wasn't ready that time.

    Viper : [worried]  Guys, don't.

    Tigress : [preparing to fight]  Ready.

  • Po : Guys, come on! Give me a little credit. I meant for him to get away. 'Cause... It was a trick. There's a plot! I was thinking... of figuring out his plot... more.

    Mantis : That makes no sense.

  • Shifu : [to Po and the Furious Five, reading from a scroll]  Are you familiar with the master of Gongmen City?

    Po : Master Thundering Rhino?

    Shifu : Yes.

    Po : Son of Legendary Flying Rhino?

    Shifu : [hands Po the scroll]  Yes.

    Po : And the slayer of the ten thousand serpents in the Valley of Woe?

    Shifu : [sadly]  He's dead.

    [Po and the Five look at the scroll in horror] 

    Po : Whoa.

    Crane : That's impossible!

    Tigress : Rhino's horn defense is impervious to any technique!

    Shifu : It was no technique! Lord Shen has created a weapon - one that breathes fire and spits metal!

  • Shifu : Every master most find his path, to inner peace. Some choose to meditate for 50 years, in a cave just like this! Without the slimmest taste of food. Or water.

    Po : [his stomach gurgles]  Or...?

    Shifu : Some finds in torture and suffering. As I did. Po, the day you were chosen as Dragon Warrior... was the worst day of my life.

    [Po scowls] 

    Shifu : By far, nothing else came close. It was the worst, most painful, mind destroying horrible moment...

    Po : Okay.

    Shifu : ...I have ever experienced.

    [shudders at the sight] 

    Shifu : But once I realized the problem was not you, but within me, I found inner peace and was able to harness the flow of the universe.

  • Po : How can I do this? I mean, how can Kung Fu stop something that stops Kung Fu?

    Shifu : Remember, Dragon Warrior, anything is possible when you have inner peace.

  • Crane : [injured]  My wing!

    Tigress : Help, Po!

    Po : I'm coming!

    [Po runs forward, and yells as he begins to fall through the hole in the floor] 

    Tigress : Watch out!

    Viper : Po!

    [She grabs Po's leg just as he falls through the floor. Po finds himself staring at the floor far below. Mantis tries to help Viper pull her up] 

    Viper : Help me up!

    Tigress : No, get him down. Use the ropes.

  • Master Storming Ox : It's time to surrender, panda. Kung fu is dead.

    Po : I... ooh... you... you...! Kung fu is de... ad! Fine! You stay in your prison of fear! With bars made of hopelessness. And all you get is 3 square meals a day of shame.

    Master Croc : With despair for dessert.

    Po : We'll take on Shen and prove to all those who hunger for justice and honor that Kung fu still lives!

  • Mantis : [to Po and Tigress]  So, what are you guys talking about?

    [the rest of the Five appear from the cabin and surround Po] 

    Po : Nothing. Nothing!

    Viper : Po's having daddy issues.

  • [Three wolf archers take aim and fire at Po] 

    Mantis : Po! Incoming!

    [Flings three cymbal discs to block the arrows] 

    Po : Thanks, Mantis!

  • Po : I did not have a lifetime... we only heard about Master Thundering Rhino a few days ago, and we came to avenge him!

    Soothsayer : [stares]  You've come to avenge nothing else?

    Po : Yeah, all those pots and pans you stole- we're going to want those back!

    Soothsayer : Nothing else?

    Po : You probably did some other evil stuff on the way, I don't know, what else did he do?

    Soothsayer : [shocked]  You don't know...

    Po : Know what?

    [Shen laughs] 

    Po : What's so funny?

    Shen : Precisely the thing... that you clearly do *not* know!

  • Soothsayer : You've grown up bigger than I thought.

    [she looked at Po's ears and mouth] 

    Soothsayer : Strong... healthy.

    Po : Look, I don't know who you are, but please step aside sir.

    Viper : [whispering]  That's a lady.

    Po : Oh, sorry! The beard threw me... it's kind of misleading...

    [Soothsayer strokes her beard, amused] 

    Po : false advertising...

    Shen : Enough of this nonsense!

  • Po : We're here to liberate the city, and bring Shen to justice.

    Market Sheep : You will need help!

    Po : Thank you brave sheep, but it's too dangerous... I can't let you.

    Market Sheep : Oh no, not me. It's not safe to speak here.

    Po : Right.

    [thinks for a moment, and then picks the sheep up into the dragon's mouth in front of the young bunny, who screams and runs off] 

    Market Sheep : I'm talking about, Masters Ox and Croc. They are in Gongmen Jail, at Black Dragon alley.

    Po : What? They're still alive? They must be in that jail gathering intelligence, hatching a plot to use their awesomeness to defeat the weapon! Okay, let's go!

    [puts her down] 

    Po : Thanks, sheep.

    Wolf Boss : [spots the beaten solider and the warriors; rushing in]  Hey! Stop that costume!

  • Tigress : That... was pretty hardcore.

    [Po smiles at Tigress, and then shocks her with a hug. The other masters stare in astonishment, Crane drops his beak. Po notices them staring and releases Tigress who is frozen in shock. The Five leap on Po and embrace him] 

    Monkey : Po!

    Viper : You did it!

    Mantis : Come here! Yeah!

    Crane : Don't ever do that again, please!

    [Shifu steps forward] 

    Shifu : It seems that you have found inner peace...


    Shifu : And at such a young age.

    Po : Well, I had a pretty good teacher.

  • Master Storming Ox : [to Po]  Your friend there is very persuasive.

    [Ox and Croc look behind them, and we see a mysterious force rapidly approaching, flinging wolves into the air with no effort at all. The figure leaps into view... and we see that it is Shifu] 

    Po : Master Shifu!

    [Shifu swiftly dispatches the wolves surrounding his fellow warriors] 

    Shifu : Quickly! Use their boats to block the way!

  • [Inside the Training Hall, all the obstacles and other training equipment are seen as vacant. Meanwhile, the voices continue] 

    Monkey , Crane , Viper : [in unison]  33...

    Mantis : Stop him!

    Monkey , Crane , Viper : 34...

    Mantis : It's too dangerous!

    Monkey , Crane , Viper : 35...

    Tigress : Stay focused!

    Monkey , Crane , Viper : 36... 37...

    Mantis : How is he doing that with his face?

    [Po is seen placing a bean bun in his mouth, which is already full of thirty-seven other bean buns, he smashes his fist on the table] 

    Po : [with his mouth full]  Thirty-eight bean buns!

    Mantis : Yes! New record! You monster!

    Monkey : Keep going! Hit forty!

    [holds out a bowl of bean buns] 

    Crane : He'll never hit forty!

    Po : [takes two bean buns]  You got it, buddy! I'll put it up to forty!

    Tigress : Do it!

    Po : No problem!

    [He puts the two bean buns in his mouth and tries to close his mouth. He struggles. The Five watch in silent awe] 

    Po : Yeah... Yeah, one moment.

    [When he succeeds, he sticks his hands up in the air and begins cheering, while the Five cheer along with him] 

    Crane : [approached him]  Well done, Po!

    [Crane slaps Po on the back in congratulations, causing Po to spit the bean buns back at the Five. Monkey and Mantis are hit, while Viper ducks and Tigress blocks two of the buns] 

    Tigress : Your training has paid off.

  • Tigress : That must be Shen's palace, on the other side of the city.

    Po : Alright! We'll march into the palace and proclaim: We are the Dragon Warrior and the Furious Five, and we are here to bring you to justice!

    [leaps off the roof] 

    Mantis : Hey!

    [grabs Po's foot; pulling him back out of sight] 

    Mantis : What are you doing? This place is crawling with wolves.

  • Po : Master Shifu! Master Shifu, what do we got? Pirates, Vandals of Volcano Mountain? Whatever it is, I will take them down! 'Cause I'm in a mood. I need to get something done. You know what I mean? Ahh... What are you doing?

    Shifu : One of Master Oogway's final teachings.

    [performs the "Inner Peace" technique] 

    Po : Whoa! Awesome! How'd you do that?

    Shifu : Inner peace.

    Po : Inner peace. That's cool. Inner peace of what?

    Shifu : It's the next phase of your training.

See also

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