Evan Peters has seriously outdone his job here. His acting was top notch and his portrayal of dahmer, from his clothing to expressions, everything was perfect, perfect everything, down to the last minute details. And apart from him, the performances of the other cast members (His father, his mother, grandma, Glenda cleveland and the victims) were excellent too.
Also, the cinematography and music was impressive. The writing and screenplay was decent too, especially the fact that they didn't did much creative liberties, and hence as a result, the story turned out to be close to the actual events. The only thing i found slightly disappointing was the length. The pace was a bit slow, especially in the last few episodes, and i feel the series could've been easily wrapped up in 8 episodes, instead of 10.
But overall, it's a must watch. Especially for the ones who are interested in the crime thriller genre. It's a realistic take on one of the most notorious series killers in our history, where they haven't romanticized him and in fact, called out the ones who tend to do so. And that's the thing which makes it a bit unique and interesting to watch.