458 of 657 found this severe
ERIK AND LYLE: Gratuitous male genital nudity in episode 3 , very brief female breast nudity in episode 2.
ERIK AND LYLE: Episode 6 - A man is seen vigorously thrusting into a woman for five seconds missionary style. Full nudity.
ERIK AND LYLE: Episode 7 - A man recieves a blowjob from another man. 5 second scene but graphic.
ERIK AND LYLE: The mother checks his boy's gentials to see if they have AIDS.
Monster Lyle & Erik mendenz : woman in bikini party dancing around Episode 2.
ERIK & LYLE : Nudity.
316 of 365 found this severe
ERIK AND LYLE: Bloody shootings and gory injury aftermath detail, frequent discussions on child sexual abuse throughout EVERY episode.
Dahmer is seen dissecting dead animals.
Dahmer dismembers someone in his grandma's basement. You mostly see blood, and Dahmer cutting, but nothing too graphic.
The police find a decapitated head in Dahmer's refrigerator.
Dahmer cuts the head of a victim in his grandma's house, and is seen kissing it.
Limbs are seen in acid tubs with flesh burned off.
A scene of Dahmer cooking and eating his victim.
Has scenes of intense violence, gore, blood, and torture. The violence is more like Hitchcock's style with most of it offscreen; not all of Dahmer's actions are depicted as graphic as the subject matter could have allowed. A fair amount of restraint is used, that said, the series is fairly violent and disturbing.
Frequent footage of disturbing murders and aftermath, including vats of decomposed bodies, drilling into skulls and other body parts. Guns and knives are also present. Sexual violence was Dahmer's MO. Expect storylines around cannibalism and necrophilia.
SEASON 2: This season does NOT hold back when showing the murders of the Menendez parents. Highly graphic and disturbing detail. Aftermath is shown in later episodes.
239 of 309 found this severe
ERIK AND LYLE: Frequent uses of "fuck" and "faggot".
Dahmer is called names when prisoners find out what crimes he did involving children.
Moderate strong language throughout. Many four-letter words, as well as ethnic and homophobic slurs.
241 of 287 found this severe
ERIK AND LYLE: Cocaine snorting in a few episodes.
Dahmer is constantly seen smoking and drinking in the show.
Dahmer offers people beer and drugs victims.
Dahmer mixes a drug in a glass, hands his victim the wrong glass, and drugs himself. Dahmer then ends up drugging the victim after waking himself up.
Dahmer is kicked out of the army and college for his drinking problem.
Frequent scenes of night club drinking.
Dahmer is always drunk or intoxicated. He is often pulled over by the police, or people take notice of his beer cans or his behaviour due to his addiction.
Many scenes of Dahmer putting drugs in alcohol to put his victims to sleep.
Substances are used throughout. The main character is an alcoholic and it is implied his mother had an addiction to prescription drugs. Dahmer drinks often. People smoke cigarettes.
Dahmer was an alcoholic who primarily drank beer; his home is strewn with beer cans. He also plies underage victims with alcohol.
266 of 315 found this severe
LYLE AND ERIK MENENDEZ STORY: Strong themes, frequent references to child sexual abuse, violence, blood and gore, sexual references, sex, coarse language, injury detail, suicide references, nudity and drug use.
LYLE AND ERIK MENENDEZ STORY (EPISODE ONE): Strong themes, bloody violence and coarse language.
LYLE AND ERIK MENENDEZ STORY (EPISODE TWO): Strong themes, injury detail, coarse language and drug use.
LYLE AND ERIK MENENDEZ STORY (EPISODE 3): Strong themes, references to child sexual abuse, crude sexual humour and nudity.
LYLE AND ERIK MENENDEZ STORY (EPISODE 4): Strong themes, references to child sexual abuse, violence and blood and gore.
LYLE AND ERIK MENENDEZ STORY (EPISODE 5): Frequent strong references to child sexual abuse.
LYLE AND ERIK MENENDEZ STORY (EPISODE 6): Strong themes, references to child sexual abuse and sex scenes.
LYLE AND ERIK MENENDEZ STORY (EPISODE 7): Strong themes, references to child sexual abuse, sexual references, sex, violence, injury detail and coarse language.
LYLE AND ERIK MENENDEZ STORY (EPISODE 8): Strong themes and references to child sexual abuse.
LYLE AND ERIK MENENDEZ STORY (EPISODE 9): Mature themes, references to child sexual abuse, coarse language and drug use.