95 reviews
As "The Survivalist" (2021 release; 90 min.) opens, we hear a radio DJ talk about it being "Day 592 since the outbreak of COVID-19", and lamenting that the authorities put healthy people in camps, with dire results. We then are introduced to Sarah, a teenage girl who is immune to the virus, and hence needs special protection.. But Sarah and her friend are being chased by a crew of baddies, headed by Aaron. At this point we are less than 10 minutes into the film.
Couple of comments: this is the latest from prolific producer and at times also director (as in this film) of mostly horror fare, done on the cheap. Here he diverts slightly. For a few minutes, I thought this might actually be quite good, with the reference to COVID-19 and how messed up it got. But alas, when the story really gets going, it unravels pretty quickly. It all looks so.. amateurish! I almost fell off the couch when I realized that Aaron, the leader of the baddies, was played by... John Malkovich. Yes, THE John Malkovich. Say it ain't so, John! What the hell were you thinking? Have you really fallen this low? I guess so...Anyway, to say that this movie is beyond bad would be the understatement of the year.
"The Survivalist" was released straight on VOD last Fall. I saw it on Showtime Anytime the other night, taking a flyer on it. Wasn't worth it, and I cannot recommend this film in good conscience to anyone, not least to the Malkovich fans out there. But of course don't take my word for it, so check it out and draw your own conclusion.
Couple of comments: this is the latest from prolific producer and at times also director (as in this film) of mostly horror fare, done on the cheap. Here he diverts slightly. For a few minutes, I thought this might actually be quite good, with the reference to COVID-19 and how messed up it got. But alas, when the story really gets going, it unravels pretty quickly. It all looks so.. amateurish! I almost fell off the couch when I realized that Aaron, the leader of the baddies, was played by... John Malkovich. Yes, THE John Malkovich. Say it ain't so, John! What the hell were you thinking? Have you really fallen this low? I guess so...Anyway, to say that this movie is beyond bad would be the understatement of the year.
"The Survivalist" was released straight on VOD last Fall. I saw it on Showtime Anytime the other night, taking a flyer on it. Wasn't worth it, and I cannot recommend this film in good conscience to anyone, not least to the Malkovich fans out there. But of course don't take my word for it, so check it out and draw your own conclusion.
- paul-allaer
- Feb 10, 2022
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It's day 592 of Covid-19 Delta and the world has collapsed. Uninfected people were rounded up in camps which ended in disaster. The cities are devastated and bands of pirates are headed out into the country. Aaron (John Malkovich) leads one group searching for a young woman assumed to be immune. She finds a protector in Ben (Jonathan Rhys Meyers).
This is a low budget affair. Somebody found a location with a few buildings. They slap-dashed some stuff. Worst still, they slap-dashed a script. The biggest mistake is using the real world situation. They need to use a fictional virus so that they can create a fictional world. It's more than the worlds not matching. They can't possibly get the science right. They need a fictional virus to create movie-logic of their own. The directing is pretty bad. There are a few good actors here who probably had projects canceled on them and needed the work during the pandemic. Malkovich is trying his best but the camera work is bad. It's all pretty bad except for the professional actors working.
This is a low budget affair. Somebody found a location with a few buildings. They slap-dashed some stuff. Worst still, they slap-dashed a script. The biggest mistake is using the real world situation. They need to use a fictional virus so that they can create a fictional world. It's more than the worlds not matching. They can't possibly get the science right. They need a fictional virus to create movie-logic of their own. The directing is pretty bad. There are a few good actors here who probably had projects canceled on them and needed the work during the pandemic. Malkovich is trying his best but the camera work is bad. It's all pretty bad except for the professional actors working.
- SnoopyStyle
- Nov 12, 2021
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Dumb, dumber, and even more dumber. This film is pure trash. Overacted and badly acted. Dull action scenes. The whole film is ridiculously stupid. For Dooms Day movies, watch Omega Man, Last Man on Earth, I Am Legend and No Blade of Grass and flush this waste of a movie down the toilet bowl.
- angelsunchained
- Dec 1, 2021
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It's hard to fathom how Jonathan Rhys Meyers ends up in movies like these. He's so damn talented, so handsome, has that "it" factor, and yet time and again he ends up in pure trash. I mean, this guy was the lead in Matchpoint! It's almost like when I see him advertised in a film now, I assume it will be abysmal.
An actor can do a few clunkers without self destructing, but Rhys Meyers seems intent on blowing up what could have been a total A list career.
An actor can do a few clunkers without self destructing, but Rhys Meyers seems intent on blowing up what could have been a total A list career.
- maryannfarley
- Jan 6, 2022
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- briansrowe
- Jan 16, 2022
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This is a terrible movie. Terrible plot, terrible script, terrible acting/directing, terrible in every way imaginable. The only way for this movie to have been saved was if they asked Tommy Wiseau to rewrite and direct it.
Jonathan Rhys Meyers was in another terrible movie I have watched in the last week, American Night. This movie is actually worse. It is also worse than The Many Saints of Newark, which was extremely disappointing.
What has happened to the entertainment industry? Are there no more creatives around who can make something worth watching? I am so tired of stupidity, virtue signaling, preaching, political correctness, bashing people you disagree with, etc.
At this rate many people will simply just watch fail videos and look at cat pictures online, that would be more satisfying than watching crap Hollywood puts out nowadays.
Jonathan Rhys Meyers was in another terrible movie I have watched in the last week, American Night. This movie is actually worse. It is also worse than The Many Saints of Newark, which was extremely disappointing.
What has happened to the entertainment industry? Are there no more creatives around who can make something worth watching? I am so tired of stupidity, virtue signaling, preaching, political correctness, bashing people you disagree with, etc.
At this rate many people will simply just watch fail videos and look at cat pictures online, that would be more satisfying than watching crap Hollywood puts out nowadays.
- jaimegonzales210
- Oct 5, 2021
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Beware: this is a B-movie, cheaply made, with black and white (UNimpressive) photography.
I was drawn to this movie by the name of the magnificent actor John Malkovich. Why does he lower himself to these kind of movies? Perhaps he has hit lower ground financially, because such a terrific actor should not lower himself to these kind of cheaply made B-movies.
Everything about this movie looks and feels amateurish. Just watching the first 5 minutes gave me a sinking feeling in my stumach. John Malkovich only appears for a few minutes, so this seems to be that sort of movies some actors (desperately) agree to do out of financial dire straits.
Let's hope John Malkovich can still be given parts that give credit to his wonderfully gifted acting talents.
The story: forget about it. Forget about this movie alltogether...that would be best for everybody involved...
I was drawn to this movie by the name of the magnificent actor John Malkovich. Why does he lower himself to these kind of movies? Perhaps he has hit lower ground financially, because such a terrific actor should not lower himself to these kind of cheaply made B-movies.
Everything about this movie looks and feels amateurish. Just watching the first 5 minutes gave me a sinking feeling in my stumach. John Malkovich only appears for a few minutes, so this seems to be that sort of movies some actors (desperately) agree to do out of financial dire straits.
Let's hope John Malkovich can still be given parts that give credit to his wonderfully gifted acting talents.
The story: forget about it. Forget about this movie alltogether...that would be best for everybody involved...
Some of the worst acting i have ever seen,Awful plot full of holes and all round terrible movie.
Horrible acting, rough story line, slow paced, comical- because it was so bad. Was looking forward to watching it play out but I think it got worse as it went...
- uriahjulin
- Oct 1, 2021
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- Woodyanders
- Jun 27, 2022
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I think a lot of the reviews have been pretty harsh on this small indie film. Does it have issues? Yes, but it has a lot of strengths, too.
The future imagined here seems kind of familiar - it isn't set too far apart from many other dystopian societies we've seen before - but the virus angle has a nice timeliness as we are suffering through a pandemic still. The filmmakers have made the most of their tiny budget by leveraging this.
Some of the performances are just fine. Malkovich is clearly having some fun with this role, though he is sidelined for much of the screen time (another wise film making decision to minimize his days on set, given he was undoubtedly the most expensive cast member). The main supporting cast is good, but becomes somewhat uneven with the lesser players. Still, they do a workable job supporting the story.
The biggest problem I have with this film is the backstory. It is poorly revealed through flashbacks, and I found it terribly distracting. Not only distracting, it is disappointing because it really doesn't pay off. The flashback story doesn't even relate to the outcome of the conflict, or the actions that the hero takes following the conflict.
But while that portion of the film didn't work for me, the performances in the flashback scenes were still pretty strong, perhaps weakened by some forced or obvious dialogue.
Also, the action scenes were quite well done, including the most western shoot-out you'll see in a movie that isn't a western this year.
The future imagined here seems kind of familiar - it isn't set too far apart from many other dystopian societies we've seen before - but the virus angle has a nice timeliness as we are suffering through a pandemic still. The filmmakers have made the most of their tiny budget by leveraging this.
Some of the performances are just fine. Malkovich is clearly having some fun with this role, though he is sidelined for much of the screen time (another wise film making decision to minimize his days on set, given he was undoubtedly the most expensive cast member). The main supporting cast is good, but becomes somewhat uneven with the lesser players. Still, they do a workable job supporting the story.
The biggest problem I have with this film is the backstory. It is poorly revealed through flashbacks, and I found it terribly distracting. Not only distracting, it is disappointing because it really doesn't pay off. The flashback story doesn't even relate to the outcome of the conflict, or the actions that the hero takes following the conflict.
But while that portion of the film didn't work for me, the performances in the flashback scenes were still pretty strong, perhaps weakened by some forced or obvious dialogue.
Also, the action scenes were quite well done, including the most western shoot-out you'll see in a movie that isn't a western this year.
I could say how bad this film was, but it is clear that the movie speaks for itself. It is hard to muster forward in this agonizing bandage-ripping monologue of many renowned actors that have participated in better movies throughout the years. But I guess it is true what they say "with enough money you can lead anyone eager enough into the fire" Jon Keeyes is just an American Uwe Boll; that lets wealthy donors write-off income taxes in his long line of box-offices flops.
I cannot believe that this movie was even made! What a pure waste of 75 minutes, and 6 bucks. This was the worst acting and writing, that I have seen in the last 30 or more years. The budget must have been over than low. Even the props were a joke. A hand pellet gun, .177 cal was used as a real gun. You van see the "barrel" and tell it is a .177 cal.pellet gun. John Malkovich must be broke to have taken this on. He even sucked hard, TRULY UNBELIEVABLE GARBAGE!! I quit!!
- mpdumoulin
- Oct 1, 2021
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Holy... this was beyond bad. I think the people who wrote this trash were drunk. One stupid situation after another, this is like the really bad zombie movies that constantly get made and will be the next big grade Z genre to be assaulted by poor filmmakers. These virus movies will be done because they can be made even cheaper than zombie films. They require virtually no talent or special effects. The cast, other than Malkovitch-who must have needed a pay day and Mendelsohn, who also sleep walks through his role-are forgettable. It's basically a one set 'drama' with little going for it. I regret that I watched this worthless film. Another bit of time I'll never get back.
I will spare you the laughable details.. this movie sucked BIG TIME! Probably the WORST I've ever seen. It was so bad even my parakeet told me it sucked. The other reviews (most of them are spot on) Don't waste your money!
- Luvhallmark
- Oct 23, 2021
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Right from the git-go it seemed very rushed, generic formula, made-up at the last moment to fit the current pandemic. Not believable or well-acted. Just watched it yesterday & really can't remember much of it. On the other hand I also watched The Suicide Squad, and it I won't forget.
- westsideschl
- Nov 21, 2021
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The Survivalist is another generic post-apocalypse movie with all the standard disease/zombie tropes (with COVID instead of zombies). There's even a girl who is allegedly the key to cure everyone.
The idea, I guess, was to throw in a few high-tier actors, mainly Rhys Meyers and Malkovich, and make them play out a highly emotional drama about human determination, weakness and self-sacrifice. At some points it works. But mostly it doesn't. Emotional moments look either hysterical or indifferent. And it's not the actors' fault.
Also, why do people in this movie shoot endlessly without aiming when they are SO low on ammo?
The idea, I guess, was to throw in a few high-tier actors, mainly Rhys Meyers and Malkovich, and make them play out a highly emotional drama about human determination, weakness and self-sacrifice. At some points it works. But mostly it doesn't. Emotional moments look either hysterical or indifferent. And it's not the actors' fault.
Also, why do people in this movie shoot endlessly without aiming when they are SO low on ammo?
The acting are ok from well experienced actors. It is just poor script with characters' dumb moves that I wouldn't do if I'm drunk.
Really? Why in the hell would John Malkovich star in this garbage. Watching this movie was like watching a train wreck getting hit by a plane crash. Whoever conceived of this atrocity should throw themself headfirst into a wood chipper!
I love this movie, the acting is incredible. The pitch is straight to the point. A good entertaining moment with two great actors.
- sebastien-16976
- Oct 4, 2021
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This movie was just NOT good. I gave high points for Meyers, I think he is very sexy. Especially after I saw him fully nude in that Princess movie. But even that movie was awful. So I am wondering what Meyers is doing because I am going to just give up on watching any of his movies if they are all like this. Unrealistic gun play, like NO one could shoot what was right in front of them. The chick in this (Not the sick one) was the worst actress I have ever seen, she needs to pick another career path. Then the story was good but the delivery failed. I am still waiting for a GOOD movie with a Covid story line. That all being said this movie was on if your trying to finish a Dimond picture and needed something playing in the background. I will not recommend this movie to anyone I know though.
Worst movie ever! Horrible writing, and the acting.... Maybe they wanted horrible acting. I hope the actors watch it. I suffered through the entire movie that eventually became a comedy because it was so bad.
- maryeplissey
- Oct 25, 2021
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2021 is the year of low budget, low quality movies such as this, which not even an A-list actor like John Malkovich can redeem.
This movie looks like a student project, and a poor one at that.
The story is unoriginal to say the least, the camera action is jittery, the script is artificial, and the list goes on. No wonder the movie is free on Hoopla and Fubo right now.
I understand the pandemic makes people restless, and actors are not an exception; they want to go out, and shoot a film rather than stay cooped in their mansions, but better not make a movie at all than waste whatever little resources this flop used, and wait until you can make a movie worth watching.
This movie looks like a student project, and a poor one at that.
The story is unoriginal to say the least, the camera action is jittery, the script is artificial, and the list goes on. No wonder the movie is free on Hoopla and Fubo right now.
I understand the pandemic makes people restless, and actors are not an exception; they want to go out, and shoot a film rather than stay cooped in their mansions, but better not make a movie at all than waste whatever little resources this flop used, and wait until you can make a movie worth watching.
Such good actors ! They must be desperate. This story is terrible. Country boy / FBI cant fight nor shoot. Plot is unbearable. And someone rated this 9/10 ? Must be smoking something good lol.
There is only 3 reasons to watch this movie.
1) so that you can see what the opposite of a survivalist is.
2) you want to pick apart every second of the movie with what he has or is done wrong.
3) it's the last movie on earth.
1) so that you can see what the opposite of a survivalist is.
2) you want to pick apart every second of the movie with what he has or is done wrong.
3) it's the last movie on earth.
- fourluptons-92280
- Dec 31, 2021
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