So my experience of Sonic is having been a fan since the first games, both 90s series (SatAM and that... not so good one), Sonic Underground, Sonic X, the anime movie, Sonic Boom, the comics and of course all the games... You get the point- I'm an absolute nerd but I know Sonic 😆😆
What I love about this new series is you can absolutely tell this was made by other Sonic fans! I've wanted something exactly like this since the SatAM series that abruptly ended and most of us never got over lol.
The voices are slightly jarring, but only because of what we've been used to. I find them fitting and actually love the new energy they bring.
Given I'm in my 30s I probably shouldn't comment on the humor of a show for kids with a Y7 rating lol. But there's enough for the adults to be amused and entertained.
This long time Sonic fan is presently surprised.