13 reviews · Provided by Metacritic.com
- 30MovielineMovielineThat Bucky Larson's humor is stuck at a toilet-centric grade school level is less damning than how little of that or any humor it contains - the film, directed by Tom Brady (The Hot Chick), sets up scene after scene that wanders around in the general vicinity of a joke idea without ever approaching anything like a punchline.
- 25Entertainment WeeklyEntertainment WeeklyBucky Larson is a one-note joke played over and over and over.
- 25Orlando SentinelRoger MooreOrlando SentinelRoger MooreIt's an ugly movie to look at and a faintly nauseating one to sit through, truth be told.
- 25Boston GlobeTom RussoBoston GlobeTom RussoNever thought we'd say this about a movie, but Bucky Larson probably doesn't wring as much out of recurring bodily-fluid gags as it could.
- 20Los Angeles TimesRobert AbeleLos Angeles TimesRobert AbeleThe scenario makes for an inept, lazy R-rated movie whose sole purpose is as a glossary of euphemisms for genitalia and sexual acts.
- 16The A.V. ClubNathan RabinThe A.V. ClubNathan RabinApparently no one told Ricci she was acting in a comedy, not a touching drama about a young woman overcoming a formative trauma to achieve her dreams.
- 10The Hollywood ReporterFrank ScheckThe Hollywood ReporterFrank ScheckUnfortunately, the R rating will prohibit the target audience -- namely teenage boys who find penis jokes endlessly hilarious - from seeing this relentlessly unfunny and vulgar effort until it shows up on video and cable.
- 10The New York TimesA.O. ScottThe New York TimesA.O. ScottThis may be the worst movie Pauly Shore has ever been in. Think about that.
- 10New York Daily NewsJoe NeumaierNew York Daily NewsJoe NeumaierThis god-awful, unfunny, stinkingly putrid sketch-comic movie has exactly one snicker-worthy moment, involving Kevin Nealon and a stolen grape. But watching the rest of it will make you whine.