Poor Things (2023)
Willem Dafoe: Godwin Baxter
Dr. Godwin Baxter : My father once told me, "Always carve with compassion." He was a fucking idiot, but it's not bad advice.
Dr. Godwin Baxter : I have taken five milligrams of heroin through the toes for pain, amphetamines for energy, and cocaine... because I am partial to cocaine.
Dr. Godwin Baxter : I'm something of a romantic myself.
Dr. Godwin Baxter : I cannot let you go.
Bella Baxter : Kiss me and set me forth. If you do not, Bella's insides shall turn rotten with hate.
Dr. Godwin Baxter : I must make my own Gastric Juices. My Father removed my pyloric glands to see what would happen. Turns out we need them!
Dr. Godwin Baxter : To elicit a sexual response from my body would take all the electricity in North London!
Hapless Student : What is the purpose of putting it back?
Dr. Godwin Baxter : My amusement!
Dr. Godwin Baxter : Do not cry into the wound! You'll kill me faster with sepsis.
Max McCandles : Sir, where did she come fom?
Dr. Godwin Baxter : I believe your job is collecting data. When I add inane questions to it, I'll let you know.
Max McCandles : So, you are not laying with her?
Dr. Godwin Baxter : Spermatic ejaculation can only induce homeostasis in me if accompanied by prolonged stimulation in higher nerve centers whose pressure on the ductless glands changes the chemistry of my blood not for a few spasmodic minutes but for many days.
Max McCandles : What..?
Dr. Godwin Baxter : I am a eunuch and can't fuck her!
Dr. Godwin Baxter : Do you think my father could have branded me on my genitals with hot irons the way he did if he did not put science and progress first?
Dr. Godwin Baxter : Only dead ones for Bella...
Dr. Godwin Baxter : We are men of science. This emotionality is unseemly.