2162 of 2590 found this severe
Female infantine fixation & infantine public masturbation with fetishistic objects. A nonage minded female also frequently discusses sex blatantly & bluntly with explicit sexual discourse.
Pervasive, graphic and explicit sex & nudity depicting detailed female sexual awakening via infant, child & pubescent mentality & imagery presented in a hyper sexual adult female body followed by extensive monetization of female sexuality in brothels featured as both liberating & empowering with vivid BDSM scenarios & bisexual discovery.
A nonage minded female falls victim to male sexual predation & has excessive graphic sex with adult men without the mental age capability to give informed adult consent. Adult sex is deliberately performed by a father at a brothel in front of his two male children with the children also shown scribing personal notations.
814 of 1178 found this severe
Graphic surgical gore & injury detail including explicit imageries of dissections.
A corpse's eyes are stabbed multiple times within a comedic context.
A newborn female baby's life is ceased to reanimate her dead female mother.
703 of 1049 found this severe
Several uses of "Cunt", 32 uses of "fuck"; other occasional uses of "shit", "whore", "bitch" and "ass"
467 of 879 found this moderate
Duncan and Prim smoke cigarettes.
383 of 922 found this moderate
A female infant's life is terminated to reanimate a deceased adult female in a male's science experiment.
Easily akin to NC-17 via intensely pervasive & explicit female nudity, graphic sex & gore with sexual ethics & narrative messaging that some may find unsettling. Should come with a content warning.
Intensely explicit & monetized sex is performed by a father in the presence of his male children with the children also shown taking notes.