42 reviews
Although, I love this show it does have some problems with the chatacters and plots but lets see how far the show goes.
- waysidefan-84196
- Sep 27, 2021
- Permalink
I HATE THE CHARACTER SATIE! I'm very sorry but she's to annoying her hand jesters and expressions are over the top. Other than that the show is not that bad tbh!
Where do I begin? Let's start with the story! Sadie wishes her avatar person was real and her wish came true. Oh boy!! The acting is awful!! It's boring!! I would not even watch it if nothing else is on.
- ryanf-75484
- May 27, 2022
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All the characters especially the main character are extremely annoying. The acting is so over the top and obnoxious. The jokes (if you can call them that) are horrible. It seriously seems like a 8 year old wrote this show. What has happened to Nickelodeon shows?!?!
- purplehayess
- Sep 26, 2021
- Permalink
Do I even have anything to say about this one? This is just as bad as Young Dylan, if not worse. Everything about this is unfunny, horribly acted, and the list goes on. I'm keeping this review short. Please just don't watch the show, save your brain cells.
- nickfan-25333
- Sep 23, 2021
- Permalink
I don't know what's wrong with Nickelodeon trying so hard with these sitcoms. First Young Dylan and that's terrible, and now this. It's honestly dry at this point. Horrible acting, unfunny, horrendous acting, that dang laugh track playing after every single line that isn't funny..etc. I usually type out long reviews, but I'm gonna keep this brief and say what the other posters have said: don't torture yourself like we did. Save your braincells, stay *far away* from this. It's not worth the cringe of pain.
- PirateKing670
- Oct 6, 2021
- Permalink
Like a previous poster said, save your brain cells. Such a terrible and obnoxious show. Hard pass.
My daughter loves it & it is honestly a delight to have something to watch together with her. It gives me Sister Sister and That's So Raven vibes that I grew up on. People bashing, apologies, ADULTS bashing a show where the intended audience is people that still consider Santa a real person. Get a life adults. This isn't for us. Enjoy it as I am because it is bonding time for my daughter & I. That is priceless & brings me to love the show. Especially the fact I can understand the adults in the show's perspective. Thinking "yeah that would be about how I react lol". Think of when our parents would watch stuff that we loved.
- timshudson-02867
- Oct 28, 2022
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Someone said something to the effect that it's like "That's So Raven" -nope it's nothing like "That's So Raven." "That Girl Lay Lay" is original. Just because there's a black family with black kids does not make a copy of Raven's shows.
I've seen worse kids show...Side Hustle; Fred The Show; Young Dylan; Liv and Maddie for example...and a whole bunch of other bad kid shows that I can't recall their names because I've vanquished them out of my mind.
Season 2 is funnier. I'm sure they have better writers now.
I do like all of the characters.
The parents: are cool and down-to-earth parents yet corny to their daughter-that's how it usually is. They say real parent things while maintaining their intelligence. So often, writers will make parents (or the dad) stupid. These parents are talented, funny and give just enough.
Sadie: acts like a teen. She's giving zaniness and poise-she's like the 'straight man' and comic relief wrapped up into one.
Lay Lay: is the cute, sassy and fashionable friend. Although technically she is an avatar who is now in human form. Sadie wished for a helping, kind friend (something to that effect) and during a shooting star, the avatar from her positive affirmation app came out of her phone.
Marky-entrepreneurial money hungry little brother (Iol) who's always coming up with ways to make money. He's like any tv show little brother who gets in the way and bribes his sister. He's dapper, although Lay Lay doesn't think so.
I was sad when "Henry Danger" went away-no this did not replace...but they're both zainy, over-the-top stuff happenings. Kids doing thing and parents oblivious to what they're doing.
I've seen worse kids show...Side Hustle; Fred The Show; Young Dylan; Liv and Maddie for example...and a whole bunch of other bad kid shows that I can't recall their names because I've vanquished them out of my mind.
Season 2 is funnier. I'm sure they have better writers now.
I do like all of the characters.
The parents: are cool and down-to-earth parents yet corny to their daughter-that's how it usually is. They say real parent things while maintaining their intelligence. So often, writers will make parents (or the dad) stupid. These parents are talented, funny and give just enough.
Sadie: acts like a teen. She's giving zaniness and poise-she's like the 'straight man' and comic relief wrapped up into one.
Lay Lay: is the cute, sassy and fashionable friend. Although technically she is an avatar who is now in human form. Sadie wished for a helping, kind friend (something to that effect) and during a shooting star, the avatar from her positive affirmation app came out of her phone.
Marky-entrepreneurial money hungry little brother (Iol) who's always coming up with ways to make money. He's like any tv show little brother who gets in the way and bribes his sister. He's dapper, although Lay Lay doesn't think so.
I was sad when "Henry Danger" went away-no this did not replace...but they're both zainy, over-the-top stuff happenings. Kids doing thing and parents oblivious to what they're doing.
- Loquacious_to_a_fault
- Jul 14, 2022
- Permalink
Show is just a rip off of that's so raven, plot is terrible and the main character is annoying I think the show needs to be pushed back a little to find it's originality and purpose of view.
- corymercure-99418
- Oct 17, 2021
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My 9 year old absolutely loves it, even googled lay lay to learn some of her raps. Lots of miserable people on here it's for children not for you. Love Lay Lay's confidence.
- fkck-09030
- Feb 18, 2022
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Do you really want your kids to act like this? Besides, it's totally unbelievable this kind of family could exist these days. (False Hope) Terrible. What is nick doing? This is rehash of other good nick shows just with worse actors and scripts. Nothing to do with who they are, it's about how terribly bad they are. If this additional year you know nick is doing now. Just like henry danger (is good) and Danger force show (is an insult to watch Nick) That is terrible, this is worse 100 times. Whose demographics is Nick wanting? And Who's are they don't? This is terrible.! If this is for kids it gives the wrong impression. This isn't a sample of how kids are today. It's an example of how networks are allowing such horrid programming.
- JapanMovies
- Aug 5, 2022
- Permalink
.. And we are of British south Asian origin. My girls are hooked in the show. I've watched a few episodes with them and thought they're easy to watch and even enjoyable. Yea the jokes and exaggeration can be a bit of a stretch, but it makes it interesting for kids still quite fresh to comedy and not judgemental like adults. The parents are quite wholesome too and add a nice touch too the comedy. It's a typically colourful and eventful sitcom.
If you're worried that kids will get influenced by the attitude of the characters, then just remember, kids will be how they want to be based on their own nature.
If you're worried that kids will get influenced by the attitude of the characters, then just remember, kids will be how they want to be based on their own nature.
We were looking forward to a positive girl centered show and got this junk. Even with the positive affirmation "app", the star is meek, and has little self esteem. The "app" Lay Lay is disrespectful, rude, and selfish - how she went from a 'positive' affirmation app to what she is, is beyond me. She certainly isn't positive. Her music video that Nick runs 24/7 is exactly the reason this show is garbage. "I do what I want...You a nerd...You should hide..You can't make me do what you want" (while snapping her fingers in an adult's face)... Not remotely positive and certainly not something any parent should want their children to watch if they want them to become decent people. I won't let my kids watch this junk. Not sure when snarky, rude children became a 'thing' for children's TV - no values, no moral of the story, just brainless adults and disrespectful children. Hoping this show will end soon and fade away.
- jenrn-09722
- May 11, 2022
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Recently, Nickelodeon has been making some questionable choices when it comes to making sitcoms about suposed "stars". Me along with probobly most people reading this dont even know who the heck this person is. This show along with young dylan both over advertize their shows and force the fact that they are "soo famous" right into your face. Not to mention the fact that they are both arogent, annoying brats and the whole show revolves around them being the cwnter of attention. They cancelled amazing shows like Henry danger and The Thundermans for shows that are painfull to watch like these. One final note, i brought up the show to a couple of family members and friends, and every single one of them made fun of the show and most just simply said that they were annoyed by the ads. Do not let Nick continue to cancel our good shows and replace them with this trash.
- jacobsacek
- Jul 11, 2022
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This show is awful. It's to bad there are no more good shows on Nick, the only good ones are on teen nick, where you get to watch the better nick shows created by Dan Snyder,
- andrew-morcus
- Jul 26, 2022
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Nickelodeon need to cancel that girl lay lay and Drama club to as well barbarian troll also needs to be cancel.
- pwparker-95717
- Oct 9, 2021
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I don't know why everyone is hating on this show it's very amazing it has very interesting plots very interesting characters and a very interesting protagonist warning don't listen to the haters watch this show it's just as good as Young Dylan.
- jamesdelonte
- Oct 12, 2021
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As a kid, ever since this show aired for the first time, I've hated it with a burning passion. Everybody in the reviews keeps saying, "Oh, it's just a kid's show, It's not for adults." That still doesn't give it an excuse to be bad. Kids still deserve to watch good shows, not mindless garbage that brainwashes them into thinking it's funny with it's stupid laugh track that plays every 5 seconds. Nickelodeon pushes this show (along with Young Dylan) SO MUCH. It's just a stupid cash grab with unlikable characters with annoying personalities, poor writing, and new things introduced like every week to keep it's audience's tiny attention span entertained.
- iAmTheCheeseMaster
- Jun 17, 2023
- Permalink
I think the adults that are writing critical reviews for this show can't comprehend that it isn't supposed to be some sort of deep drama. It's cute, goofy, sassy humor... again this is for children. That being said, my 6 year old girls love this show.
The cast has wonderful chemistry, the parents are slightly dorky but have some realistic African American parenting moments which are great. The hair styles are diverse and fun, the costumes are adorable. Each character has their own style and it doesn't look forced. My kids loved seeing Sadie with socks that we purchased from target. Even the set looks great. I'm glad they did not keep the trampoline in the girls bedroom lol. I truly haven't enjoyed a show like this since that's so Raven when I was younger.
We need to remember that this show is based on an African American family, so it may appeal more to other African American families. Some of these shows can feel like there's heavy pandering but this show doesn't feel forced. The character Lay Lay is super sassy and full of confidence because she's from an affirmation app. Duh. Lol. The age appropriate jokes that can be pretty funny. I'm getting the vibe that because the main cast are two African American girls (some)people are low key rubbed the wrong way. It's probably soooo unrelatable to these people. The white adult men giving this show poor reviews are diving too deep and forgetting it's for children.
The cast has wonderful chemistry, the parents are slightly dorky but have some realistic African American parenting moments which are great. The hair styles are diverse and fun, the costumes are adorable. Each character has their own style and it doesn't look forced. My kids loved seeing Sadie with socks that we purchased from target. Even the set looks great. I'm glad they did not keep the trampoline in the girls bedroom lol. I truly haven't enjoyed a show like this since that's so Raven when I was younger.
We need to remember that this show is based on an African American family, so it may appeal more to other African American families. Some of these shows can feel like there's heavy pandering but this show doesn't feel forced. The character Lay Lay is super sassy and full of confidence because she's from an affirmation app. Duh. Lol. The age appropriate jokes that can be pretty funny. I'm getting the vibe that because the main cast are two African American girls (some)people are low key rubbed the wrong way. It's probably soooo unrelatable to these people. The white adult men giving this show poor reviews are diving too deep and forgetting it's for children.
Pls do fking better nickilonden this is bs I hate this show "lay lay la la" just like young Dylan lay lay is so sassy and the show it just LAME I MEAN LAME my gosh who wrote that show? A 6 year old I want this show off! Every time I get on Nickelodeon I see a commercial Of it and I don't wanna see it just like I be watching SpongeBob I see lay lay commercial like gtfo Pls put GOOD SHOWS on Nickelodeon.
- dprincess-18004
- Feb 6, 2022
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And as a kids show, my 5 year old loves it, and I'm just glad the days of Blippi are over and there's something I can watch too.
Very likable characters. Good family values shown. I suggest it for people with young kids.
Not really something for teens or adults.
Very likable characters. Good family values shown. I suggest it for people with young kids.
Not really something for teens or adults.
- myhappywellbeingblog
- Feb 1, 2022
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This show is absolutely dumb and annoying. Her singing and expressions are trash and she seems like a very selfish person. I will be surprised if this gets another season!!!
- trevorbumbarger
- Apr 26, 2022
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It was literally so bad. Like wtf did i just watch.. the acting was do bad and the characters annoy me so much, like SO much, especially lay lay, her acting is so over the top and the character itself literally sucks as do the rest of the characters.
- hanap-78064
- Feb 11, 2022
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You can't blame the actors. The writers are horrible. The directors are horrible. It might just be me but all of these shows the actors and actresses are told to overact. It becomes so annoying.
- markmoore9517
- Aug 13, 2022
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