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  • Slow, boring and a multitude of long pauses with no meaning. I'm not sure what happened to this show, I was a big fan, but season 3 is falling big time.
  • Very odd, slow and completely uninteresting. The show has not developed this story line enough for anyone to care to watch the painfully slow weird and uninteresting scenes. It's just odd and not clearly stated why these two odd strange characters took over the entire show.

    Ugly characters with bad taste doing boring things and staring at nothing most of the time.
  • I really like how flawed both of them are and am interested to see where it's going. It's filmed very raw, no soundtrack to emotionally manipulate you; just gotta dwell in uncomfortable moments, the specificity of which are so relatable. Especially this year.
  • Hmmm.... Interesting.... As of now there are zero 1/10 reviews. Would they just review bomb this season cause they wanted more Dev? No... they wouldn't do that! I wonder why none of them actually explained giving this episode a 1/10. I also wonder why if you removed all the 1/10 ratings, the average would be a 9.3! Hmmm....