6 of 10 found this to have none
The word "hot" is used in some episodes as a mild innuendo. For example, one character called Hot Mail is a mailbox but also good-looking.
In one episode, Barry says "Helen is hot". The other kids are disgusted by this.
Minor references, nothing is ever shown.
6 of 7 found this mild
Very mild slapstick.
Some brief mild pushing and shoving that is quickly resolved, including some sibling disputes.
6 of 11 found this mild
In season 1 episode 1, Kiff clearly says "dang" but the subtitles on Disney+ say it as "damn".
At least one use of "suck" in the "Totally Table Town" segment of Episode 9.
Very little mild name calling, and some brief expressions of negative feelings between characters. Very mild terms like "butt" or "jerk" are used quite often.
The S-word is cut off in the episode 29a "Fun Uncle Pat". Kiff also says "what the actual fu--" in the same episode.
9 of 9 found this to have none
4 of 9 found this mild
Some episodes, like "Totally Table Town", have some mild scary images or scenes for comic effect.
None/Mild in a lot of episodes.
For preschoolers/kids and up.
None/Moderate for neurodivergent viewers.
This show is excellent for people with communication disabilities.