2340 of 5297 found this moderate
A female & a male are shown twice having sex with bare breasts / torso & explicit thrusting as well as nude during a post sex conversation with extended bare breasts & torso shown.
1391 of 1965 found this mild
A man envisions a nuclear bomb going off and he imagines what would happen to its victims. We see a woman's skin begin to peel from her face (not as graphic as it sounds), a man vomiting, and a charred corpse lying on the ground that is stepped in.
Discussions of the impact of the atomic bomb on the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
987 of 2101 found this moderate
A few uses of "fuck", plus "balls," "goddamn," "idiot," and "shit."
1285 of 1942 found this mild
Alcohol is consumed in social situations and in an addictive context.
Characters frequently smoke cigarettes.
823 of 2138 found this moderate