"Cruel Intentions," created by Phoebe Fisher and Sara Goodman for Amazon Prime Video, is a disappointing adaptation of the classic film. The series follows the story of two wealthy siblings, Sebastian and Kathryn, who are determined to maintain their privileged position by any means necessary.
The acting performances are lackluster, with lead actors Sarah Hook, Zach Burgees, and Savannah Lee Smith failing to capture the essence of their characters. Hook's portrayal of Kathryn is particularly weak, lacking the necessary charm and cunning that made the original Kathryn so memorable.
The plot is convoluted and fails to engage the audience. The series attempts to introduce new characters and subplots that don't add much to the overall story. The dialogue is often clunky and fails to deliver the wit and humor that made the original film so enjoyable.
The production values are mediocre, with a lack of visual flair and atmosphere. The setting of a prestigious college in Washington, DC, fails to capture the glamour and intrigue that made the original film so memorable.
Overall, "Cruel Intentions" fails to live up to the expectations set by the original film. It is a missed opportunity to bring a beloved story to a new generation, leaving viewers disappointed and unengaged.
Rating: 4/10.