Abigail Breslin credited as playing...
Little Rock
- Tallahassee: [dressed as Santa Claus] What would you like, little girl? A pony?
- Little Rock: No, I'd actually like for you to stop calling me "little girl."
- Tallahassee: Well, technically, you are little and you're a girl.
- Columbus: [sits in Tallahassee's lap] Well, I am not a little girl, but do you know what I would like?
- Tallahassee: [pushes Columbus off of his lap] I don't give a fuck what you like.
- Little Rock: Wait, why does he get to be president?
- Tallahassee: Well I think would have made a damn fine president. Kissed a few hands, shook a few babies.
- Wichita: You would have brought real dignity to the office.
- Tallahassee: Thank you.
- Wichita: You don't have what it takes. I'll be president. And I nominate Little Rock as my VP.
- Little Rock: So that means I get to be president if you get killed by zombies.
- Tallahassee: [dispensing some fatherly advice] Don't do nothin' I wouldn't not do... You get what I'm saying.
- Little Rock: Not really, no.