• Severe
  • Fidel Castro swears in spanish sometimes.
  • While there is not much language in multiplayer and zombies, the following words are said throughout the campaign:
  • Around 56 uses of "fuck."
  • About 35-40 uses of "shit."
  • 20-30 uses of "bastard."
  • Some uses of "ass" and "asshole."
  • Several uses of "son of a bitch."
  • Infrequent uses of "pussy."
  • Many uses of milder words such as "hell" and "damn."
  • Although this sounds like a lot, keep in mind that the campaign is much much longer than any movie so therefore language is relatively infrequent.
  • You are able to turn off graphic content in the options. This tones down the blood and language, but not completely. For example: "Fuck you" becomes "screw you."