Challengers (2024)
Zendaya: Tashi Donaldson
Tashi Donaldson : [after Patrick notices her engagement ring] It was his grandmother's.
Patrick Zweig : How is she?
Tashi Donaldson : She died. Stroke.
Tashi Donaldson : I'm taking such good care of my little white boys.
Tashi Donaldson : You have a better shot with a handgun in your mouth.
Tashi Donaldson : You don't know what tennis is.
Patrick Zweig : What is it?
Tashi Donaldson : It's a relationship.
Patrick Zweig : Is that what you and Anna Mueller had today?
Tashi Donaldson : It is, actually. For about fifteen seconds there, we were actually playing tennis. And we understood each other completely. So did everyone watching. It's like we were in love. Or like we didn't exist. We went somewhere really beautiful together.
Patrick Zweig : Wait, are you on Facebook?
Tashi Donaldson : What?
Art Donaldson : He's asking for your number. And so am I.
Patrick Zweig : Your mom looks good.
Tashi Donaldson : I know she does, Patrick.
Tashi Donaldson : COME ON!
Tashi Donaldson : How often does this happen? Going after the same girl?
Patrick Zweig : Not as often as you'd think.
Art Donaldson : We usually have different types.
Tashi Donaldson : So you're saying I should be flattered?
Art Donaldson : Aren't you everybody's type?
Tashi Donaldson : You want me to come tuck you in?
Tashi Donaldson : I was a homewrecker, wasn't I?
Tashi Donaldson : I know who you are. You're Fire and Ice, right?
Patrick Zweig : In the flesh.
Tashi Donaldson : Decimate that little bitch.
Patrick Zweig : Maybe you just wanted to see me.
Tashi Donaldson : I have seen you. You look like shit.
Tashi Donaldson : Think you might be the worst friend in the world.
Art Donaldson : Maybe.
Tashi Donaldson : Definitely. Thank you... for lunch, Art.
[repeated line]
Tashi Donaldson : I'm not a homewrecker.
Tashi Donaldson : There's plenty of girls out here that would love to be your girlfriend, okay? You're charming, you're talented, you got a big dick. Just go be with one of them.
Art Donaldson : I'm just asking that you love me no matter what.
Tashi Donaldson : What am I, Jesus?
Art Donaldson : Yeah.
Patrick Zweig : When were you gonna tell me about Art?
Tashi Donaldson : Thought you knew about that.
Patrick Zweig : I mean... I feel bad because I know he's in pain, but...
Tashi Donaldson : Right, but?
Patrick Zweig : What?
Tashi Donaldson : You're not intimidated by him?
Patrick Zweig : No.
Tashi Donaldson : Really?
Patrick Zweig : No.
Tashi Donaldson : Well, you should be.
Patrick Zweig : -Uh-huh. Why?
Tashi Donaldson : Because he's smart.
Patrick Zweig : Yeah.
Tashi Donaldson : He's good looking.
Patrick Zweig : Yeah.
Tashi Donaldson : And he's really fucking good at tennis.
Patrick Zweig : Oh he's always been very good.
Tashi Donaldson : Yeah but he's gotten a lot better since he's been here.
Patrick Zweig : Are the two of us still playing for your number? I thought I won.
Tashi Donaldson : That's your problem. You always think you won before the match is over.
Patrick Zweig : Are we talking about tennis?
Tashi Donaldson : We're always talking about tennis.
Patrick Zweig : Can we not?
Tashi Donaldson : [annoyed] Sure.
Art Donaldson : He's not in love with you.
Tashi Donaldson : What makes you think I want someone to be in love with me? Did I ever say I was in love with him?
Art Donaldson : You didn't.
Tashi Donaldson : So why would I give a fuck if he loved me or not?
Art Donaldson : I guess you wouldn't.
Tashi Donaldson : Cool.
Art Donaldson : Cool.
[Tashi starts walking away]
Art Donaldson : Don't you think you deserve it?
Tashi Donaldson : Jesus fucking Christ.
Art Donaldson : I mean, who wouldn't be in love with you?
Tashi Donaldson : I think you might be the worst friend in the world.
Art Donaldson : Maybe.
Tashi Donaldson : Definitely!
Patrick Zweig : Look, I'm happy they like you here, I just don't need you to be my coach.
Tashi Donaldson : Well, someone needs to be.
Patrick Zweig : Can we just start over?
Tashi Donaldson : What do you think you need from me? Honestly, what do you think you need from me? A cheerleader? A girlfriend? A fuck buddy? Like, there's plenty of girls out here that would love to be your girlfriend, okay? You're charming. You're talented, you got a big dick. Just go be with one of them.
Patrick Zweig : Is this, like, a new strategy you're using to pump yourself up before the match? Have a little fight to get the energy going?
Tashi Donaldson : I don't need a fight to get the energy going.
Patrick Zweig : No. Just an hour of meditation.
Tashi Donaldson : And what, you think that's lame?
Patrick Zweig : I think it's unnecessary given you're playing Sally Fucking Country Club from Pepperdine.
Tashi Donaldson : And how's coasting by on talent going for you? You know how ridiculous it is to hear you call me every week, talking about all the ways that you're getting screwed over on tour? As if that's a good use of my fucking time?
Patrick Zweig : Well, excuse me for inconveniencing you.
Tashi Donaldson : You are, actually. I need to be alone, so can I just meet you there?
Patrick Zweig : No.
Tashi Donaldson : What?
Patrick Zweig : I'm not going to the match. Not if you think you can just dismiss me. I'm not some fucking lapdog who's just gonna sit around and let you punish me. I'm not Art. Or maybe you need someone like that. Someone who's gonna hop on board and be Mr. Tashi Duncan.
Tashi Donaldson : Is that what you think I want?
Patrick Zweig : Yeah. A member of the fan club.
Tashi Donaldson : You're not a member of my fan club?
Patrick Zweig : I'm your peer. I'm not your fucking groupie, and I'm definitely not your student.
Tashi Donaldson : All right.
Patrick Zweig : Good luck, champ.
Tashi Donaldson : You want my best piece of advice? You want me to coach you?
Patrick Zweig : Yeah.
Tashi Donaldson : Okay, quit. Quit right now. Right the fuck now, quit.
Patrick Zweig : You know that when I'm good, I'm one of the best in the world.
Tashi Donaldson : You are 271st best in the fucking world.
Patrick Zweig : I still have a shot.
Tashi Donaldson : You're 31. You have a better shot with a handgun in your mouth.
[Patrick chuckles in awe]
Tashi Donaldson : I mean, why don't you go home? Go home, ask your parents for a seat on the board, or you know what, matter of fact, ask them for some money. Okay? Go be like every other spoiled kid who has ever amounted to nothing in their fucking life, and stop this performance of being a down-on-your-luck professional.
Patrick Zweig : Tashi...
Tashi Donaldson : No, you're not 20 years old anymore, and it's not cute to be walking around pretending like you need to grind it out at these bum-fuck tournaments and sleep in your fucking car. And it is unforgivable that you would ask me to devote a single second of my fucking time to help you achieve your fucking dreams. What dreams, Patrick. You never had any!
Patrick Zweig : Is that what you and Art are doing? Living the dream?
Tashi Donaldson : That is exactly what the fuck we're doing.
Patrick Zweig : Then how come you hate him?
[Tashi is actually caught off guard]
Patrick Zweig : You do. It's obvious you do. You can feel him giving up already, even though you know he's not going to retire until you let him.
Tashi Donaldson : He is a grown man. He can do whatever he wants.
Patrick Zweig : Sure, sure, but he doesn't. He does whatever you want. Except now, he's not even pretending to like it. He's dreaming about eating hamburgers again. Watching your daughter, um...
[snaps his fingers, trying to remember]
Patrick Zweig : Uh, Lily, grow up. Maybe doing some commentary on the Tennis Channel... He's ready to be dead. And you're starting to realize you might not want to be buried with him, because what is he to you if he's not playing tennis?
Tashi Donaldson : So, that's what you think he is to me. A racket and a dick.
Patrick Zweig : [Patrick shrugs] Does Art know about Atlanta? You keep saying you came here because Art needed matches. I think you came for something else.
Tashi Donaldson : [Tashi laughs, insulted] You think I came here for you? You think I came here to throw it all away for you?
Patrick Zweig : Maybe you just wanted to see me.
Tashi Donaldson : I have seen you. You look like shit.
Patrick Zweig : I'm going to beat him. If we both make it to the final, I'm going to beat him.
Tashi Donaldson : Even if you could beat him, it wouldn't change anything.
Patrick Zweig : It'll break him, you know it will.
Tashi Donaldson : It won't make you, okay? It's too late for that.
Tashi Donaldson : Why the fuck am I in your car?
Patrick Zweig : Because you're stupid.
Tashi Donaldson : You're stupid.
Patrick Zweig : I know. I'm just not as disturbed by it as you are. I don't have nearly that high an opinion of myself.
Tashi Donaldson : You are the most egotistical person I have ever met in my life.
Patrick Zweig : Oh sure, sure. But I've never been confused about the fact that I'm a piece of shit. That's what you like about me.
Tashi Donaldson : I don't like anything about you.
Patrick Zweig : No, you like precisely one thing about me and it's that I'm such a piece of shit that I can actually see you for what you are.
Tashi Donaldson : And what is that?
Patrick Zweig : In reality? A really... really, insanely hot woman.
Tashi Donaldson : Oh, fuck off.
Patrick Zweig : I guess now you could say a MILF.
Tashi Donaldson : Pull over.