Wild Oats (2016)
Jessica Lange: Maddie
[Last lines]
Maddie : You big softie.
Eva : [Looking at her bank balance on her laptop] If the insurance people call I can say "Why? Look, it's right there. I have nothing to hide." In the meantime we can sit around and enjoy watching the money. I *could* pay off Frank's hospital bills, and... er... the dishwasher is broken.
Maddie : Yeah, with five million bucks you can even replace your shower curtain.
Waitress : Hi! What can I get for you ladies today?
Maddie : Would you... date someone in their sixties?
Waitress : I'm sorry?
Eva : Er... French toast. That really looked good.
Maddie : Would you go out with a man in his sixties. It's a simple question. My husband just left me for someone who could be your twin.
Waitress : Oh my god. Are you Maddie Reynolds?
Maddie : Yeah.
Waitress : My friend Clarissa just moved in with your ex-husband.
Maddie : [is distraught] Oh my god.
Eva : We shall have a Spanish omelet.
Waitress : It's really awkward. I'm really sorry. She is such a *bitch*.
Maddie : I thought you said she was your friend. What does she see in him?
Waitress : He kind of... looks like Patrick Stewart.
[shrugs her shoulders]