The end credits feature an original song by 'Weird Al' Yankovic. The lyrics point out a specific person in the credits (production manager for Funny or Die Savvas Thomas Yiannoulou), reference the song credits, and include a reminder that the song itself is technically eligible for Oscar consideration.
The first closing credits show photos of 'Weird Al' Yankovic, some of them being real, some of them being photo-montage with other celebrities or events in order to fit the tone of the movie; e.g., Weird Al half naked with a Jack Daniels bottle or Madonna kissing him with Dr. Demento watching.
In a mid-credits scene, Madonna is shown at Weird Al's grave stone, putting a red rose, but a hand from the ground is grabbing her arm, similar to Carrie (1976).
Al pulled two "fake outs" (aka making it sound like the song was over, then bringing it back to life) on his song and the end credits.
A note to Al that is written in all capital letters on a pink card can be seen next to his star on the Walk Of Fame during the end credits. The full text reads:
R.I.P. Weird Al Yankovic
You don't know me but I followed you for your entire career. And I mean I followed you, from your house to the market, from show to show, and I hid in the bushes outside your bedroom. You gained my respect by not having me arrested, although you may not have known I was there.
Love, Charles Nelson Reilly
Having actor Charles Nelson Reilly as the author of the note is an apparent nod to Al's more recent song "CNR", about said actor.