When George comes into the meeting room at the U.S. embassy in Pakistan, he tosses his coat towards the table and the coat is going to land half on the table and half on the chair. As he walks along the wall towards the end of the room, his coat is draped over the back of the chair.
When the CIA agents are blocked by two Motorbike gun men, In the next shot we see the bike shown in the beginning (Apache) is not the same as the one in the last long shot (Hero Honda Splendor).
During the raid, the translator, Hakim, addresses the Pakistani population as they arrive at the compound to investigate the noise. He lifts his Night Vision Goggles off his eyes. When he goes to the downed helicopter to get a body bag, he no longer has NVG's on his helmet.
At the start of the water-boarding during Dan's second interrogation of Ammar, he puts on gloves to adjust the rope, and then 10 seconds later when he picks up the towel the gloves are missing. When they are on the floor the gloves are back in his pocket.
When the CIA agents are blocked by two Motorbike gun men another vehicle pulls up behind them to prevent them from reversing away and escaping. In the next long shot we see the two motorbikes but there is no vehicle behind the Agent's vehicle.
During the raid on Osama bin Laden's compound, some neighboring houses are shown with lights going on in different rooms as the neighbors become aware of the activity in the compound. In Mark Owen's book, "No Easy Day" and also in the reports on the raid from the New York Times, all the electricity in the neighborhood had been cut a short time before the start of the raid.
In the movie, Osama bin Laden's beard is gray. In former ST6 member Mark Owen's book about the raid on bin Laden's compound, he expresses surprise to see that when actually standing over UBL's body his beard had been dyed jet black.
When the CIA agent asks help from his Kuwaiti asset in Kuwait city, the setting is in a bar, with girls dancing and drinks in hand. Alcohol is still strictly forbidden and there are no bars or dance clubs in Kuwait.
Women in Pakistan do not go shopping in saris.
The C-130H Maya boards at the end of the movie is clearly marked as belonging to the RAF (the blue and red roundel can be seen under the wing) and not the USAF. It is possible although highly unlikely that the RAF would have an American serving as load-master.
Hakim, the translator, while addressing the crowd uses neither Urdu, which can be heard from people's comments, nor Hindko, the major language spoken in Abottabad. It sounds more like Arabic. This could account for why no body seems to react to his warning until he finally speaks English which most/many seem to understand. These mistakes could be attributed to the stresses of the situation.
When Maya and Jessica are at the Marriott waiting for Jack, Jessica's Australian accent becomes quite clear.
Jessica's Australian accent could not become apparent because the actress who plays her, Jennifer Ehle, is an American, not an Australian.
Jessica's Australian accent could not become apparent because the actress who plays her, Jennifer Ehle, is an American, not an Australian.
In one interrogating scene the tattoo on Dan's right upper arm is smudged, revealing that its only painted on.
During the helicopter ride into Abbotobad, the occupants are shown being jolted inside the cabin repeatedly. But as the camera pans across the dog, and the soldiers are bouncing, the dog's tongue is undisturbed by the apparent motion, revealing it to be camera shake choreographed to the actors' simultaneous movements.
The bikes and vehicles shown in Rawalpindi and Peshawar sequence are Indian brand Vehicles which are not available in Pakistan. The places shown can be clearly understood as India, which include women wearing sarees and many of the guys wearing Sikh Turbans.
When the bomb goes off at the Hotel, Maya flinches slightly before the explosion.
At the start of the Area-51 scene, an aircraft engineer is using a ratchet spanner/wrench - the sound when he turns the wrench is the ratchet (free/no-torque) so the nut/bolt is not being turned. However he then removes the spanner/wrench from the nut/bolt and performs the same action again (clicking the ratchet). The nut/bolt would never be turned if this was actually what was happening.
When Ibrahim Sayeed is killed his wife came out saying "you killed him ". In several interviews and detailed accounts it was stated that none of the women in the house spoke English.
The gray MPV car used for surveillance is Eeco which were never launched in Pakistan, in fact the car was launched only in India.
The Non-US versions handled by Panorama despite replacing the Columbia logo with the Panorama logo on international prints, "Columbia Pictures Presents" and the A Columbia Pictures Release logo still appear in the end credits.
When Joseph Bradley watches the bombing of the London bus, on the computer screen on the desktop you see the Google Chrome icon, not available until September 2008.
When Maya talks to the CIA director over lunch the Coca Cola bottle has Olympic symbol on it.
Maya is talking to Jessica using a BlackBerry bold 9900 OS7 series however this part of the film takes place in 2009 and that particular phone didn't come out until 2011.
The character Dan is wearing an Indian Motorcycle shirt in the year 2003. However, this specific shirt wasn't produced until 2011.
When they are chasing the messenger down in the streets of 'Pakistan' there is a wide view of the street and you can clearly see an Indian flag flying in the background.
The languages in which the sign board on the road are written when the search for Abu Ahmed is on, are: a) English, b) Hindi, and, c) Punjabi spoken in North India, where the movie was shot (Chandigarh). In Pakistan, the sign board would have been English and Urdu.
When searching for Abu Ahmedi's cell signal in the market streets, there are logos of LIC (Life Insurance of INDIA) and the new logo of Speed Post of India.
(at around 1 hour 27 mins) When searching for Abu Ahmedi's cell signal in the markets of Pakistan, the banners in the market show the phone numbers of various businesses with country code +91 (India) and sign boards with phone numbers starting with city code +172 (the Indian city of Chandigarh).
The map shown to CIA director Panetta is highly condensed showing the PMA buildings(Pakistan Military Academy) as being much closer than they actually were. This seems to have been done to insure they could be asked about on a map zoomed in that far. In reality, they would have been just off the top of the map.
Maya said there had to be another man in the compound because there were three women (women would only live with their father or husband so there had to be a father or husband there for the third woman). But that doesn't acknowledge the fact that one of the men could have had two wives.
On several occasions, Maya pronounces the city of Peshawar "PESH-a-war". The correct pronunciation, even by Westerners, is "peh-SHOWER". An expert in that region would certainly know that.