- Maya: [to Navy SEALs] Quite frankly, I didn't even want to use you guys, with your dip and velcro and all your gear bullshit. I wanted to drop a bomb. But people didn't believe in this lead enough to drop a bomb. So they're using you guys as canaries. And, in theory, if bin Laden isn't there, you can sneak away and no one will be the wiser. But bin Laden is there. And you're going to kill him for me.
- C.I.A. Director: What's this - this cluster of buildings down here?
- George: The PMA - it's the Pakistani Military Academy.
- C.I.A. Director: [looks at him incredulously]
- George: It's their West Point.
- C.I.A. Director: And how close is it to the house?
- George: About a mile.
- Maya: Four thousand, two hundred, twenty one feet; it's closer to eight-tenths of a mile.
- C.I.A. Director: Who are you?
- Maya: I'm the motherfucker that found this place. Sir.
- Maya: So, you agree with me now, this is important?
- Tim - Station Chief: No, I just learned from my predecessor that life is better when I don't disagree with you.
- Maya: [slightly irritated] So what does this Baluchi guy look like?
- Abu Faraj al-Libbi: Tall, long white beard, thin, walks with a cane.
- Maya: [smirks] Kinda like Gandalf.
- Abu Faraj al-Libbi: Who?
- Dan: It's cool, that you're strong and I respect it, I do. But in the end, everybody breaks, bro. It's biology.
- [last lines]
- C-130 Pilot: You can sit where you want. You're the only one on manifest.
- [pause]
- C-130 Pilot: You must be pretty important. You gotta whole plane to yourself. Where you wanna go?
- Patrick - Squadron Team Leader: [approaching the bin Laden compound] Who here has been in a helo crash before?
- [every hand goes up]
- Patrick - Squadron Team Leader: Okay, so we're all good.
- Justin - DEVGRU: So Patrick, be honest with me. You really believe this story? I mean
- [turns to Maya]
- Justin - DEVGRU: no offense, no offense, I don't.
- [turns away]
- Justin - DEVGRU: But... Osama bin Laden?
- Patrick - Squadron Team Leader: Yeah.
- Justin - DEVGRU: What part convinced you?
- Patrick - Squadron Team Leader: Her confidence.
- Justin - DEVGRU: That's the kind of concrete data point I'm looking for. I'll tell you buddy, if her confidence is the one thing that's keeping me from getting ass-raped in a Pakistani prison I'm gonna honest with you, bro. I'm cool with it.
- C.I.A. Director: May I join you?
- [sits down]
- C.I.A. Director: How is the food down here anyway?
- Maya: Uh, it's okay.
- C.I.A. Director: How long have you worked for the CIA?
- Maya: Twelve years. I was recruited out of high school.
- C.I.A. Director: Do you know why we did that?
- Maya: I don't think I can answer that question, sir. I don't think I'm... allowed to... answer.
- C.I.A. Director: Alright. What else have you done for us? Besides Bin Laden?
- Maya: Nothing. I've done nothing else.
- C.I.A. Director: Well, you certainly have a flair for it.
- National Security Adviser: If this was political, we'd be having this conversation in October when there's an election bump. This is pure risk, based on deductive reasoning, inference, supposition, and the only human reporting you have is six years old, from detainees who were questioned under duress. The political move here is to tell you to go fuck yourself and remind you that I was in the room when your old boss pitched WMD Iraq. At least there you guys brought photographs.
- George: You know, you're right. I agree with everything you just said. What I meant was, a man in your position, how do you evaluate the risk of *not* doing something? Hmm? The risk of potentially letting bin Laden slip through your finger. That is a fascinating question.
- Dan: Can I be honest with you? I am bad fucking news. I'm not your friend. I'm not gonna help you. I'm gonna break you. Any questions?
- Dan: Did you really think that when we got you, I would be a nice fucking guy?
- Ammar: You're a mid-level guy. You're a garbage man in the corporation! Why should I respect you, huh? Why?
- Dan: And you're a money man. Paperboy. A disgrace to humanity. You and your uncle murdered 3,000 innocent people. Yeah. I have your name on a $5,000 transfer via Western Union to a 9/11 hijacker. And you got popped with 150 kilograms of high explosives in your house! And you dare question me?
- [laughs]
- Dan: Come on, man, I'm fucking with you.
- Dan: I need a favor.
- Kuwaiti Businessman: Why I should help you?
- Dan: Because we're friends.
- Kuwaiti Businessman: You saying we are friends? How come you only call me when you need help? But when I need something you are too busy to pick up the phone. I don't think we are friends.
- Dan: All right, fair enough. How about a new V10 Lamborghini? How's that for friendship?
- C.I.A. Director: What do you think of the girl?
- Jeremy: I think she's fuckin' smart.
- C.I.A. Director: We're all smart, Jeremy.
- Debbie: I painstakingly combed through everything in the system and found this. It's him. He was one of ten names on a watchlist sent to us by the Moroccans after 9/11. Ibrahim Sayeed. They told us to watch out for him. Apparently, they think his whole family and extended family is bad and has ties to KSM. He was picked up for fake papers and a doctored exit visa leaving Afghanistan, traveling through Morocco en route to Kuwait. Abu Ahmed al-Kuwaiti. This must be Abu Ahmed.
- Maya: Doesn't matter, but I wish I had that five years ago. How come I never saw it before?
- Debbie: Nobody saw it, most likely. There was a lot of white noise after 9/11, countries wanting to help out. We got a million tips and, you know, things got lost in the shuffle. Human error. Anyway, I thought you should know about it.
- Dan: [to detainee] Hey, what do you like? You like a bit of... You guys like a bit of Bob Marley? Bit of reggae? Kick back, take it easy after you've blown some shit up?
- George: I want to make something absolutely clear. If you thought there was some secret cell somewhere, working al-Qaeda, then I want you to know that you're wrong. This is it. There's no working group coming to the rescue. There's nobody else hidden away on some other floor. There is just us. And we are failing. We're spending billions of dollars. People are dying! We are still no closer to defeating our enemy. They attacked us! On land, in '98. By sea, in 2000. And from the air, in 2001. They murdered 3,000 of our citizens in cold blood. And they have slaughtered our forward deployed! And what the fuck have we done about it, huh?
- [slamming his hand on the table]
- George: We have we done? We have 20 leadership names, we've only eliminated four of them!
- Patrick - Squadron Team Leader: [the SEALs are handing over the intelligence gathered from the raid] Alright, listen up, gentlemen! Read the signs. First floor-hard drives, files, anything! Second floor-opposite, down on the right! Third floor-ladies underwear!
- Dan: He's being a dick.
- Joseph Bradley: He's trying to outsmart you. Why don't you tell him about your Ph.D?
- Maya: Dan, Debbie found Abu Ahmed.
- Dan: Really?
- Maya: Yeah. He's been in the files this whole time. The family's named Sayeed.
- Dan: Okay, but he's, uh, he's dead, so doesn't that make him a little less interesting to you?
- Maya: He may not be. We now know Abu Ahmed is one of eight brothers. All the brothers in the family look alike. Three of them went to Afghanistan. Isn't it possible that when the three eldest brothers grew beards in Afghanistan, they started to look alike? I think the one calling himself Abu Ahmed is still alive. The picture we've been using is wrong. It's of his older brother, Habeeb. He's the one that's dead.
- Dan: Okay, and what are you basing this on?
- Maya: We have no intercepts about Abu Ahmed dying, we just have a detainee who said he buried a guy who looked like Abu Ahmed. But if someone as important as Abu Ahmed had died, they'd be talking about it online in chat rooms all over the place. Plus, the detainee said that Habeeb died in 2001. We know Abu Ahmed was alive then, trying to get into Tora Bora with Ammar. That means it's probably one of the other brothers that's dead.
- Dan: In other words, you want it to be true.
- Maya: Yes, I fucking want it to be true!
- Dan: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Calm down. Calm down.
- Maya: I am calm.
- Angry Pakistani mob outside U.S. embassy.: Joseph Bradley go to Hell! Joseph Bradley go to Hell! Joseph Bradley go to Hell!