Ashley Tisdale credited as playing...
- [the boys give Candace a coffee mug that projects images of heartwarming moments she shared with her brothers in the series]
- Candace: Wow. What is this?
- Phineas: It's all the things that make you the coolest person we've ever met. You kick butt, you rock out, and you can always make us laugh, the kind of laughter where stuff squirts out of your nose. Summer would be no fun without you. We just wish we could see yourself the way we see you. You may not be the Chosen One.
- Ferb: But we'd choose you as a sister every time.
- Candace: You know, I'm still blaming Phineas and Ferb for this.
- Vanessa: How so exactly?
- Candace: Well, if I hadn't been rage-singing about how they ruined my life, I might have seen that that pod came from outer space and therefore was not one of their inventions.
- Vanessa: Yeah, that makes complete sense.
- Candace: I have these annoying little brothers who always get away with everything.
- Super Super Big Doctor: Shut up! I grew up with annoying little brothers, too! Always messin' around, holdin' their zurgnats in the Vlamborshall during glabenstchturn.
- Candace: *My* brothers once made a rollercoaster.
- Super Super Big Doctor: "Rollercoaster"?
- [scoffs]
- Super Super Big Doctor: Okay, now you're just making up words.