Doofenshmirtz : I... I don't have a spaceship per se, but I... but I do have... my Galactic-Travel-inator! You get inside it, it flies you up to, and I guess more to the point, through space.
Isabella : You mean, like, a spaceship.
Doofenshmirtz : Well, I suppose it's *like* a spaceship, in that it operates like and performs the exact same functions as a spaceship, but it's an inator. There's a difference.
Baljeet : Is the difference purely semantic?
Doofenshmirtz : It's branding! Leave me alone!
Computer : Attention. Brace yourselves. We are accelerating to warp two.
Baljeet : Oh, my. That is twice the speed of light.
Isabella : Twice the speed of light? What will that be like?
Baljeet : I read a theory that when you exceed the speed of light, reality, the very nature of your existence, begins breaking down...
[the scene begins losing it color, leaving it in clean-up form]
Baljeet : its primal essence, all the way back...
[the clean-up animation goes back to rough pencil test form]
Baljeet : its source!
Isabella : This is so weird!
[the scene then reverts to animatic form]
Dan Povenmire : Buford says something funny here.
[the scene then reverts to storyboard]
Phineas : Whoa! Temp dialogue.
Baljeet : How much more can reality break down?
Dan Povenmire : And then we suddenly cut...
[the camera pans to a drawing that turns into a live-action shot of Dan and Swampy pitching this scene]
Dan Povenmire : us!
Jeff 'Swampy' Marsh : So you'd actually see Dan and I pitching this part.
Dan Povenmire : Right, exactly like we are now, saying exactly what we're saying right now.
Jeff 'Swampy' Marsh : And then we push...
Dan Povenmire , Jeff 'Swampy' Marsh : ...back into the storyboard!
[the full animation returns and the gang looks confused]
Ferb : We should never speak of this again.
Isabella : What is this?
Doofenshmirtz : My Chicken-Replace-inator.
Isabella : Is that something we're gonna need?
Doofenshmirtz : Let's just say that I'd rather *have* a device that makes things switch places with the nearest chicken and not need it, than need one and not have it.
Buford : I'm with him on that.
Isabella : Says the guy bringing a canoe into space.
Buford : Hey, you don't know everything about space!
Phineas : The important thing is we have to find Candace and Vanessa.
Isabella : Maybe we should start by looking... there.
[Zoom in on the fortress. An ominous tone emits mysteriously]
Phineas : Wait a minute.
[Ominous tone]
Phineas : Does anyone else hear a strange, ominous tone when they look at that alien fortress-y thing?
[Ominous tone. Pan left and the tone stops]
Phineas : But only when I look directly at it. I can hear it when I look...
[Ominous tone]
Phineas : Yes, I have to...
Baljeet : Yes!
Isabella : Oh, yeah! Me, too!
Doofenshmirtz : Oh, yeah! It's like a low tone.
Baljeet : I wish we could study the science...
Buford : I don't hear anything. What are you guys talking about? You're freaking me out!
Phineas : [rolling his eyes, over Buford] I can hear it when I look... just directly at it.
Isabella : I've never seen anything like that before.
Phineas : Every time my eyes get near it.
Phineas : Alien planets are weird. Okay, let's go.
Doofenshmirtz : I can't see! I can't see! My eyes are not functioning prop...
Isabella : You've got a bucket on your head.
Doofenshmirtz : Wait, it's okay. Wait a second. I- I fixed it. I had a bucket on my head.