Daniel Kaluuya credited as playing...
- W'Kabi: You let the refugees in, they bring their problems with them, and then Wakanda is like everywhere else.
- [W'Kabi brings Killmonger in front of T'Challa and the Elders]
- T'Challa: [in Xhosa] Speak.
- W'Kabi: [to Killmonger] Speak.
- Erik Killmonger: I'm standing in your house, serving justice to a man who stole your vibranium and murdered your people. Justice your king couldn't deliver.
- [T'Challa stands up and approaches Killmonger]
- T'Challa: I don't care that you brought Klaue. Only reason I don't kill you where you stand is because I know who you are. Now what do you want?
- Erik Killmonger: I want the throne.
- [Mining Tribe Elder laughs]
- Mining Tribe Elder: [in Xhosa] My goodness.
- [the other Elders laugh]
- Erik Killmonger: Y'all sittin' up here comfortable. Must feel good. It's about two billion people all over the world that looks like us. But their lives are a lot harder. Wakanda has the tools to liberate 'em all.
- T'Challa: And what tools are those?
- Erik Killmonger: Vibranium. Your weapons.
- T'Challa: Our weapons will not be used to wage war on the world. It is not our way to be judge, jury, and executioner for people who are not our own.
- Erik Killmonger: Not your own? But didn't life start right here on this continent? So ain't all people your people?
- T'Challa: I am not king of all people. I am King of Wakanda. And it is my responsibility to make sure our people are safe and that vibranium does not fall into the hands of a person like you.
- Erik Killmonger: Mmm...
- Ramonda: Son, we have entertained this charlatan for too long. Reject his request.
- Erik Killmonger: Oh, I ain't requesting nothing. Ask who I am.
- Shuri: You're Erik Stevens. An American black operative. A mercenary nicknamed Killmonger. That's who you are.
- Erik Killmonger: That's not my name, Princess. Ask me, King.
- T'Challa: No.
- Erik Killmonger: Ask me.
- [T'Challa turns around and walks back to his throne]
- T'Challa: Take him away.
- [as T'Challa signals his guards to take Killmonger away from the throne room, the River Tribe Elder gets up]
- River Tribe Elder: [in Xhosa] Who are you?
- Erik Killmonger: [in Xhosa] I am N'Jadaka, son of Prince N'Jobu!
- Mining Tribe Elder: [in Xhosa] Son of N'Jobu?
- Erik Killmonger: I found my daddy with Panther claws in his chest! You ain't the son of a king. You're the son of a murderer!
- Ramonda: [in Xhosa] You're lying!
- [in English]
- Ramonda: Lies!
- W'Kabi: I'm afraid not, Queen Mother.
- [W'Kabi pulls out a necklace with N'Jobu's ring, to the surprise of the Elders]
- River Tribe Elder: What?
- Mining Tribe Elder: [in Xhosa] You, the descendant of N'Jobu?
- Erik Killmonger: Hey, Auntie.
- [W'Kabi gives the ring to Ramonda]
- Erik Killmonger: I'm exercising my blood right to challenge for the mantles of the King. And Black Panther.
- Ramonda: Do not do this, T'Challa.
- Border Tribe Elder: As the son of Prince N'Jobu, he is within his rights.
- Ramonda: He has no rights here!
- River Tribe Elder: The challenge will take weeks to prepare!
- Erik Killmonger: Weeks? I don't need weeks. The whole country ain't gotta be here. I just need him. And somebody to get me outta these chains.
- [T'Challa sits on his throne, looking at N'Jobu's ring]
- Ramonda: T'Challa, what do you know of this?
- T'Challa: I accept your challenge.
- W'Kabi: The world is changing. Soon there will only be the conquered and the conquerors. I'd rather be the former.