- Rogerebert.com [Odie Henderson]
- ReelViews [James Berardinelli]
- The New York Times [Manohla Dargis]
- The Village Voice [Kristen Yoonsoo Kim]
- The Village Voice [Siddhant Adlakha]
- Flick Filosopher [MaryAnn Johanson]
- 1,001 Movies Reviewed Before You Die [Nathaniel R. Mitchell]
- 100 Films in a Year [Richard Nelson]
- 150Film [Emre Cogulu]
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- 2 Film Critics [William Graebner and Dianne Bennett]
- 25fps [Katerina Hlouskova]
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- 3 Brothers Film [Aren Bergstrom]
- 4Columns [Hanif Abdurraqib]
- A Film Life [Ian Taylor, Sheila Taylor]
- A Parenting Production [Erin Lane]
- A Selenator's View [Daniel O'Connor]
- Abando Moviez [abandomovieros]
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- Ain't It Cool News [Big Eyes]
- Ain't It Cool News [Diva Del Mar]
- Aleteia [David Ives]
- Alibi [Devin D. O'Leary]
- All Things Fadra [Fadra Nally]
- Alligatographe [Alligator]
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- Allusions of Grandeur [Kyle Saubert]
- Aloha Criticón [Antonio Méndez]
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- Alt Film Guide [Timothy Cogshell]
- Alta Peli [Matías Seoane]
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- Amir at the Movies [Amir Syarif Siregar]
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- An Opinion or Two [Keith Lawrence]
- Anderson Vision [Troy Anderson]
- Anna, Look! [Emma Bung]
- Anthony's Film Review [Anthony]
- Any Good Films? [Simon Hooper]
- Arthouse Grindhouse [Ted Pillow]
- At the Movies [Umapagan Ampikaipakan, Bahir Yeusuff, Iain McNally]
- Austin Chronicle [Richard Whittaker]
- AV Forums [Cas Harlow]
- Avis 2 Femmes
- French
- AW Movie Spot [Andrew Watson]
- Bad Feeling Magazine [Gabriel Sigler]
- Battleship Pretension [Tyler Smith]
- Behind the Lens [Debbie Lynn Elias]
- Ben Meyers International Movie Critics [Ben Meyers]
- berlin030 Magazin [Christopher Diekhaus]
- German
- Big Fanboy [Mark Walters]
- Bina007 Movies [Caterina Benincasa]
- Bios Agenda [Aldo Paula]
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- Bioskop Xperience by Alif Kamalul Abdi
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