- FlickFilosopher.com [MaryAnn Johanson]
- 100 Films in a Year [Richard Nelson]
- Actionfreunde.de
- German
- Blu-ray.com (Blu-ray) [Michael Reuben]
- Blu-ray.com [Brian Orndorf]
- BobaFett1138.blogspot.com [Frank Veenstra]
- Cairo 360 [Marija Loncarevic]
- Cairo 360 [Mohamed Hamdy]
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- Can't Stop the Movies [Andrew Hathaway]
- Cine.gr [Stavros Ganotis]
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- Cinematallica [Patrick Cooper]
- Cinemum [Ratings Star]
- CineVue [Leigh Clark]
- DoBlu.com Blu-ray [Matt Paprock]
- DVDKritik.se [Thomas Helsing]
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- Film Critics United
- Filmaluation [Hemanth Kissoon]
- Filmfenix.se [Hans Råman]
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- filmiarvustus.eu [Raiko Puust]
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- Flickfeast [Kevin Matthews]
- Good Efficient Butchery [Mark Tinta]
- kino-zeit.de [Marie Anderson]
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- krank.ie [Craig Jay Gallagher]
- Leinwandreporter.com [Thomas Trierweiler]
- German
- Movieman's Guide to the Movies - Blu-ray [The Movieman]
- MovieMavericks [Jason Rugaard]
- Movies Ltd. [zerVo]
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- Movieworlds.com [Yannik Riedl]
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- myFILM.gr [Konstantinos Kommatas]
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- obzorkino.tv [Fedor Obzorkin]
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- Reel Film Reviews [David Nusair]
- Screen-Connections.com [Kevin Lovell]
- ScreenAnarchy [Kwenton Bellette]
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- Screenjabber.com [Stuart Barr]
- Shameless Self Expression [Ryan McDonald]
- Silver Screen Slags [Andrew McArthur]
- Slant Magazine [Chuck Bowen]
- SPL!NG [Stephen 'Spling' Aspeling]
- Subversive Rabbit [Rabbit]
- The Action Elite [Eoin]
- The Hollywood News [Craig Hunter]
- The Movie Scene [Andy Webb]
- The South African Movie Database [Andrew Germishuys]
- The Steve Pulaski Message Board [Steve Pulaski]
- The Video Vacuum [Mitch Lovell]
- TOTALinformer.com
- View New Zealand [Matt Turner]
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