37 reviews · Provided by Metacritic.com
- 90TheWrapInkoo KangTheWrapInkoo KangFirst-time helmer Peter Sohn and screenwriter Meg LeFauve (“Inside Out”) have created a fantastic and frequently exhilarating feature that showcases Pixar’s greatest strengths: technical brilliance, emotional texture, crossover appeal, and an impish sense of humor that takes the utmost advantage of the animated form.
- 80Screen DailyTim GriersonScreen DailyTim GriersonIt might be a given that Pixar’s movies are visually spectacular, but The Good Dinosaur may be the studio’s most purely cinematic, the richness of the design and the emotional power of the widescreen compositions stirring deep, almost primal feelings about childhood, the loss of innocence and the untamed ferocity of the natural world.
- 80The TelegraphRobbie CollinThe TelegraphRobbie CollinIt makes you wince at the fragility of life while simultaneously welling up at the wonder of it – and that unexpected mixing of the sentimental and the existential left me feeling what can only be described as aww-struck.
- 70VarietyJustin ChangVarietyJustin ChangCross-species bonding may have its limits, but it’s hard not to find beauty in a boy-meets-beast saga that, by the end, has made it hard to tell which is which.
- 70Village VoiceAlan ScherstuhlVillage VoiceAlan ScherstuhlIt's smart in surprising ways, daring in a few minor ones, moving in the right ones.
- 67Entertainment WeeklyChris NashawatyEntertainment WeeklyChris NashawatyWhile the story attempts the moves that a Pixar film typically makes—nonverbal storytelling, death, a bittersweet ending—most of The Good Dinosaur’s punches land soft, made worse by the disconnect that exists between the overly cartoonish style of the characters and the photorealistic landscapes.
- 63RogerEbert.comPeter SobczynskiRogerEbert.comPeter SobczynskiA film that has some promising elements and which often seems as if it is on the verge of evolving into something wonderful but never quite manages to turn that particular corner.
- 60The Hollywood ReporterMichael RechtshaffenThe Hollywood ReporterMichael RechtshaffenThe Good Dinosaur emerges as a visually breathtaking work of computer-generated animation that is ultimately unable to compensate for a disappointingly derivative script.
- 60Time OutJoshua RothkopfTime OutJoshua RothkopfNotably undisciplined for a Pixar plot, it feels like a lot of heavy lifting to get to the same old lessons about kinship and finding your clan.
- 50Chicago Sun-TimesRichard RoeperChicago Sun-TimesRichard RoeperThe Good Dinosaur is wildly uneven, but you have to give it points for trying to be something different.